Best Stormtrooper Helmet


New Member
I'm looking to buy a Stormtrooper helmet to start a prop collection.

What would everyone recommend as the best TFA or Ep 4-6 helmet that I could start off with?

I've seen some on Etsy and other places that claim to be a TFA helmet, but they just look completely screen inaccurate.
There will be a range of opinions on that - be prepared. You may want to give a price range and how 'warts and all' you want it. Dead on screen accuracy, for example, does not look as good as some think it should....
I don't think there is a "best" helmet for the OT troopers. Best is subjective, because we have what people saw on screen, and what people thought they saw on screen. As cboath said, they don't look as good as people tend to think.

Every helmet is different and has different qualities and appeals. For instance, my favorite is the ATA, because it is completely bumpy and wonky and looks great to me. You may want a smooth helmet like the AP, or even more processed, the Anovos.

For the TFA helmet, I don't think you can go wrong with the Anovos version. Good price, and looks very close, if not exact, to the screen used item.
For the TFA helmet, I don't think you can go wrong with the Anovos version. Good price, and looks very close, if not exact, to the screen used item.
So what's the reason that people buy people's printed molds in their runs rather than just buying the Anovos?

In other words what is the difference and pros and cons?
So what's the reason that people buy people's printed molds in their runs rather than just buying the Anovos?

A really good question, i have no idea why.

The same with blasters, i have seen people buy printed versions for much more than the real gun can be bought for.
Well, for one, the Anovos versions didn't technically exist until the last couple months. The TFA buckets started to hit the market in what? December? and the TK lids didn't hit until the tail end of january. You can't get what doesn't exist.

The TFA's people were making/still making were created as far back as this past summer and can have better build quality(?) (i.e. stronger materials, different materials, thicker,etc)...

And just on the TFA Anovos helmet, the 'Standard' version which is what's out is what? $300? It's speculated a 'Premium' version will be offered in the near future at around $700. But, it's hard to evaluate the difference when only one is in people's hands...
There really isn't a "best" bucket. They all depend on what exactly you want. I'm a fan of ATA (Affordable Trooper Armor) I believe It's around $135 for the full helmet kit as well as the neck seal. They're a 3rd or 4th generation derivative of the original screen-used armor, but it's still some of the best armor out there, especially for the price.

And I'm sure you've probably figured this out, but never, ever buy Rubie's. Just don't do it. It's overpriced garbage and is 100% bad in every way. They're not even passable for a Halloween costume, to be totally honest.

For the First Order Stormie, there's no going wrong with Anovos especially since they're, well, the only licensed maker of TFA armor at this point in time. They're $250 for a completed helmet (plus shipping). I've seen quite a few users here and on other forums I frequent that say it's super high quality and there's plenty of space inside for personal modifications.
There are also plenty of users here and elsewhere that are selling project runs of TFA helmets that are screen-accurate.
Here's a helpful link for you.
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A really good question, i have no idea why.

The same with blasters, i have seen people buy printed versions for much more than the real gun can be bought for.

Methinks part of this may be that it is difficult to import real guns-- and sometimes even airsoft or BB ones-- into certain countries. I know the UK is particularly strict about what comes in and why, right down to airsoft guns. For these people, a non-functional facsimile may be preferable (or at least, easiest to get through Customs).

There is also the issue of weapons regulations at various conventions and events. Try getting a DL-44 into SDCC or NYCC if it's a modified real or airsoft pistol. Won't happen. A dummy cast or 3D print can look just as accurate without running afoul of security.
Go with RS Props,AP,or try and find some of Gino's old helmets. Or you can wait for EFX. These are the stuff you want. None of this recast of a recast of a recast of an old TE lineage stuff. It still gets my blood boiling how people can just turn a blind eye to the muddied waters of recasts just because they are cheap. Of course there cheap,they didn't have to risk casting an original.

Go with RS Props,AP,or try and find some of Gino's old helmets. Or you can wait for EFX. These are the stuff you want. None of this recast of a recast of a recast of an old TE lineage stuff. It still gets my blood boiling how people can just turn a blind eye to the muddied waters of recasts just because they are cheap. Of course there cheap,they didn't have to risk casting an original.


But isnt AP and ginos pretty much the same? And both from the TE lineage? Just not that many generations down the line, like ata or mtk?

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But isnt AP and ginos pretty much the same? And both from the TE lineage? Just not that many generations down the line, like ata or mtk?

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I'll generalize it simply. In the beginning there was GF and TE who made molds from a ROTJ suit and ANH helmet. Same suit and helmet. There was also Cam Oakley for fibreglass suits. He had the ROTJ suit before TE got to cast it. GF due to complications with LFL discontinued. AP has GF's molds and rights. TE sold his molds and rights to Gino who still has them. A tantrum was thrown by TE and ever since he continued to sell rights and recast parts to multiple people even though he'd already sold those rights long ago to Gino. Hence everything after AP and Gino is recast upon recast upon recast with everyone in between thinking they have the rights. There are other details inbetween all these goings on but like I said I've simplified it. Trust me I've been here since day one.

I'll generalize it simply. In the beginning there was GF and TE who made molds from a ROTJ suit and ANH helmet. Same suit and helmet. GF due to complications with LFL discontinued. AP has GF's molds and rights. TE sold his molds and rights to Gino who still has them. A tantrum was thrown by TE and ever since he continued to sell rights and recast parts to multiple people even though he'd already sold those rights long ago to Gino. Hence everything after AP and Gino is recast upon recast upon recast with everyone in between thinking they have the rights. There are other details inbetween all these goings on but like I said I've simplified it. Trust me I've been here since day one.


I would assume TE kept his masters. Meaning the molds he sold to Gino, and to everyone else was from the same generation. If not, he probably wouldn't have been able to produce them.

The lineage for the ATA, as far as I'm aware, is Original>TE>(TE recasts?)>ATA. Let's say, just for arguments sake that TE cast it a second time to sell to ATA. I personally don't believe that to be the case, but let's just say it is. That makes it third gen, no?

Ap's lineage, also as far as I'm aware, is Original>GF>Modified at some point (by GF?)>AP

If anything, the AP is just as far down the line as the ATA, and less accurate due to modifications made to it.
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Methinks part of this may be that it is difficult to import real guns-- and sometimes even airsoft or BB ones-- into certain countries. I know the UK is particularly strict about what comes in and why, right down to airsoft guns. For these people, a non-functional facsimile may be preferable (or at least, easiest to get through Customs).

There is also the issue of weapons regulations at various conventions and events. Try getting a DL-44 into SDCC or NYCC if it's a modified real or airsoft pistol. Won't happen. A dummy cast or 3D print can look just as accurate without running afoul of security.

For a certain degree that´s for sure right.

But when i see people ordering prints (casts are often cheaper than originals and much more accurate than prints, so a different range of customers) in countries I bought those guns and had it shipped to me ...... at least it feels strange.
Methinks part of this may be that it is difficult to import real guns-- and sometimes even airsoft or BB ones-- into certain countries. I know the UK is particularly strict about what comes in and why, right down to airsoft guns. For these people, a non-functional facsimile may be preferable (or at least, easiest to get through Customs).

There is also the issue of weapons regulations at various conventions and events. Try getting a DL-44 into SDCC or NYCC if it's a modified real or airsoft pistol. Won't happen. A dummy cast or 3D print can look just as accurate without running afoul of security.

Laws, availability, how long you're willing to wait, and knowing where to look, all play a part in that. For example, everyone and their dog in the US can have real guns, in the UK, hardly anyone can. Yet in the UK and throughout europe it seems pretty easy to get a fully built, yet, demilled Sterling without much issue. In the US, though, it has to be hacked up to little bitty pieces and you have to unweld everything, create a whole new barrel without running afoul of federal law, and then weld all the pieces together again, repaint, etc.

So even here, you get the kit, it takes a while, and ability to get the base gun. Order a 3d print or casting and you've got it in a couple weeks or so. Resin kits are never more expensive. Most pricey are full 3D prints. People will buy hyperfirms or other castings to troop with as it's MUCH easier to troop with a 1lb blaster than a 5lb real one. There are all sorts of reasons...I grabbed an airsoft because i want a good looking all metal E11, but I have no chance at all of making a metal barrel and doing all the unwelding and welding. Just isn't happening.
What about the Andrew Ainsworth helmets? I never really see those talked about. Are those worth getting? I am new to the trooper props. I too am trying to learn the ins and outs of what is good and what is not.
I would assume TE kept his masters. Meaning the molds he sold to Gino, and to everyone else was from the same generation. If not, he probably wouldn't have been able to produce them.

The lineage for the ATA, as far as I'm aware, is Original>TE>(TE recasts?)>ATA. Let's say, just for arguments sake that TE cast it a second time to sell to ATA. I personally don't believe that to be the case, but let's just say it is. That makes it third gen, no?

Ap's lineage, also as far as I'm aware, is Original>GF>Modified at some point (by GF?)>AP

If anything, the AP is just as far down the line as the ATA, and less accurate due to modifications made to it.

No TE recast his skins which he told me himself. My problem is that these days it's just open house to recast the TE lineage stuff which is wrong.My point is that the people giving others the so called rights sold them years ago and people just turn a blind eye because it's cheap or its a friend. The waters are so muddy now I really don't know what generation these casts are and really don't care. They are inferior. All the helmets I own are all first gen and from legitimate sources. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Each time someone defends one point or another what is right or wrong, i wonder .... is there a single original helmet that was given away by Lucas with the words "sure, go and make profit from fabricating copies"?

No? Then i don´t see anything more than thieves stealing from thieves.

To the OP - what do you want, a helmet for pure display, or are you planning to go costuming with it and a armor suit?
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