Batgirl Movie

He probably wanted to do something similar at Marvel, but they were like "You can have your female lead film after we get 15-20 more films with male leads done."

And DC is like "Sure you can have a female lead film. We've literally got nothing planned. We can't even get the crowd pleasing Flash off the ground."
Although it probably will be part of the current DCEU I really hope that this proposed Batgirl movie isn't, I just don't see it fitting in the current DCEU or at least fitting well. I also hope that they get a costume designer that doesn't believe in making their costume super busy like all of DC's costumes are, they need something a bit more minimalistic without heavy texturing and a million parts to the costume.
Gonna be some generic fake redhead 20 something actress in a hobbled together story that doesn't do the comic justice. Pretty much zack Snyder but with at least some humor.
On the one hand, I love Barbara Gordon and I would love to see her on the big screen. On the other hand, it's DC and I have concerns. On the OTHER other hand, it's Joss Whedon which raises a raft of OTHER concerns...

I just don't know how to feel about this. I have no faith in DC doing right by female characters on the big screen (though I hope like HELL Wonder Woman proves me wrong). Maybe once I've seen how WW goes, I'll be less ambivalent... but then again, Whedon.
Although it probably will be part of the current DCEU I really hope that this proposed Batgirl movie isn't, I just don't see it fitting in the current DCEU or at least fitting well. I also hope that they get a costume designer that doesn't believe in making their costume super busy like all of DC's costumes are, they need something a bit more minimalistic without heavy texturing and a million parts to the costume.
I like what Whedon has done ... the Avengers films were fun and interesting, though Ultron was less so.

But I grew up on the Yvonne Craig version, so I think of Batgirl as fun and spunky. Not dark and brooding and gritty like the Snyder fiascos have been. I dunno. I just. Don't. Know.
It can't be any worse than Batman v Superman, can it?
Um … yes. It could be. But not by much.

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They should get someone like Alicia Silverstone, she would be so great.

If DC/Warner can put enough pressure to ruin a sure thing like an Affleck directing Batman they're certainly capable of driving Joss to bail out at some point. It seems like Zack Snyder's biggest selling point is that he's one of the few directors who isn't driven off by DC/Warner.
While it would be great to have joss whedon have a go at something DC related i just don't have any interest in a batgirl standalone. there are so many stories and characters that they still need to show to us yet out of nothing then comes this. I mean if anything i would say have him on the flash movie.
He probably wanted to do something similar at Marvel, but they were like "You can have your female lead film after we get 15-20 more films with male leads done."

And DC is like "Sure you can have a female lead film. We've literally got nothing planned. We can't even get the crowd pleasing Flash off the ground."
I think its more along the lines of "Hey, we saw what you did for Marvel, and our writing sucks, we could use a shot in the arm, here is a hefty bag of cash, write something good for us please"

Typical Jeyl, the engineer on the Marvel hate train regarding women. *eyeroll*

Remember that female led catwoman movie? Being hailed as one of the worst movies of all time? Just cause it has a woman lead, doesnt make it good.
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