Bat THINGY footage from Pittsburgh! SPOILERS

Re: Bat helicopter footage from Pittsburgh!

Nolan announces that Bat Mite will be in this film.

I thought you were joking until I did some digging...

I don't want to upset whatshisface so here's the spoiler tag: :)rolleyes)

Okay apparently in keeping with modern-cutting edge technology Batman will have to fight the enemy using "nano technology."

This will mean employing micro sized robots. They are the size of dust mites. They are not actually called "Bat-Mites" (really? :rolleyes), however you could say that they are Nolan's tip of the hat to that character.

I couldn't find any details as to what, why, or whom they are used against, but did manage to dig up a pic of one...

Scroll down (spoilerish pic ahead)...


It has an Apache helicopter look. I am sure they will CG the lift vehicle out, add some details as well add in the blades and wind effects for the film.
Interesting to see all the negativity. I think it looks great and fits right in with the Tumblr... in fact I can't help but wonder if that isn't the Tumblr reconfigured, somewhat like they did with the batpod. What I am most amazed at is seeing this raw footage and how shaky it is and yet knowing by the time all the movie magic is finished, it will be utterly amazing and exciting.
Yeah! It's REALLY having trouble getting around that corner, isn't it? But doubtless it'll get smoothed right out by something we'll read about in Cinefex.

TOTALLY looks like the Tumbler to me. If you like the Tumbler, why would you hate this...?
It definitely vibes with the design elements of both the Tumbler and Batpod, as in previous installments this vehicle likely serves a purpose aside from just looking nifty, I'm with Art here once we actually see it fully realized on screen the sequences featuring it should be impressive.
I don't really like the Tumbler either, so it stands to reason that I would not like this.

Oh wow. I thought I was the only one. I've never dared to even admit to it before. :lol

Wish there was a Batmobile that I could really love. None of them do a lot for me, beyond maybe the nostalgia of the West version. I don't actively DISLIKE any of them, particularly, though. I think the design work in the Nolan films fits his approach fairly well.
Seems a bit odd-looking. I almost thought it was a HK terminator, they'll probly slow it down and add in gunshots n sparks flying or somethin. I hope
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