Back to the Future 2 Blu Ray Screencap request


Sr Member
I would absolutely love if somebody with the ability to take blu ray screenshots could send me a particular frame shown here. I'd like to get it printed up nicely.

delorean landing.jpg

McFly's out there, you're my only hope.
Also - if anyone knows a good way to get blu ray screenshots, let me know. I would really like to do so without having to ask.
If you have a bluray drive on your computer, then the program running it possibly saves screenshots, otherwise you can probably use the print screen button. Just not sure if that would be as high res.
yeah I don't have one on my laptop which is my primary computer. I would need an external one and some software from what I understand.
Not everyone might like this idea, but probably the easiest for you would be to download the movie from somewhere, then take a screenshot of it from that.
I don't see it really as unethical if you already own a legitimate copy on Blu-ray, but that's just me.

Anyway, I wanted to get some screen grabs off of the Lost In Space Blu-ray discs and was told that you can't do that because the software won't allow it. I ended up ripping the disc to .MKV format and got my screen grabs from there.
Take your blu-ray, rip it to your hd, cap away.

VLC does caps of BR's, but I don't know if it needs the copy protection broken or not.