Avatar Weapons & Guns

franz bolo

Sr Member
If anyone has any pics of the weapons, post them here!!

I took these images from a book while I was at the bookstore yesterday.





re: Avatar Weapons & Guns

Anyone know what video these came from? I recall seeing it but forgot where.



Those grabs came from a 'making of' clip called "Avatar Hardware" the tops shots show Richard Taylor discussing the weapons at Weta. The clip also goes on to a number of short interviews with Cameron wherein he discusses the flying armada and the weapons in general.

You can download that clip and others in hi-res from Rotton Tomatoes
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re: Avatar Weapons & Guns

There is a weapon that seems to be 3 machine guns rolled into one, used on tripods and door mounts with 3 feeds and (as far as I can tell) a single ejection port on the underside.
re: Avatar Weapons & Guns

The 1st pics look a lot like the gun used in the CG appleseed movie , could have been an influence as Cameron watches a lot of anime. Sweet designs on all the weapons in this movie
re: Avatar Weapons & Guns

From Greg Broadmore, Weta artist & designer:

"The RDA weapons may be made as replicas, I know there has been talk, but who gets the license, I am not sure. I hope we get to make them because I would love to own some of them.

... the majority of the RDA wepaon design was by Aaron Beck, with Steve Lambert contributing a few major weapons and Christian Pearce adding one. Others like Leri Greer ... were integral to the graphic design and technical aspects of the weapons."

-Mike J.
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