Attempting wonder woman build

Ok sword is filed in and coated with gesso. Then sprayed silver and gold. Handle will be blue leather to match the skirt. Super cheap to make as expanding foam was the most expensive thing. Also it's rather light which is big bonus for me.
All looking good! I too am making a Wonder Woman 2016 for my wife so I will be looking at your work (Along with others) to inspire me! Great job so far!!!
All looking good! I too am making a Wonder Woman 2016 for my wife so I will be looking at your work (Along with others) to inspire me! Great job so far!!!
thank you very much that's very kind.

Ok so update.. I can't lie my become wonder womam diet took a hit this week in the form of pizza. But this is what I turned the pizza cardboard base into

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Ok so that's just a lot of cardboard and food guilt. But first get coated in wood glue for a bit of strength and then filleted the dome. The edge I put a flexible filler on it and then just sanded alot.
Just spray painted gold and then primed some foam and cut out a pattern I liked and this is were I'm at right now. But I think I'll use a gold puff paint to add some depth and detail to the edge.
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Ok dokey folks so I went to rag market and bought alot of blue pleather and drew a design I liked on the white back and then traced this repeatedly. Shorten some of the side pieces then they were glued over a piece of elastic measured to my waist.
I then wanted to add some more depth to the fabric as it's not to corse and rich as real leather so figured I could try add some more colour themes to it. I added some gold puff paint to the edge.
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Have ordered some cream mirco suede which I will use for wonder woman cape and a shazam that I am planning for the future (maybe) View attachment 20160403_170255.jpg
My next mission will be puff painting the shield.
Ok so my micro suede arrived and any doubts I had for the fabric disappeared I mean I'd make my bedding out the stuff if I could. So soft. I have to say it's definitely harder to stitch being think so you can to let the tension down on the machine and go slow but other the that it stitches nicely.
I went for cream because I personally think it looks more greek god /goddess style and I will reuse it for next year's shazam. ( my next next costume is blue beetle hopefully)
This is just so you can see the colour an texture. Think it was call antique pearl bought of eBay like 17 quid for aboute 3 metres. Arrived rather speedy too.
This is my attempt to hem using a cream thread from sainsbury pretty close match actually.
And this is an old ribbon that I got a reel of from hobby craft which I'm edging the cape in because the shazam I want has a style like it too so goes with both plus wanted some feminine detail.
And an old broach because I wanted something a bit different
And this is what it looks like height wise on me. Keep in mine I'm only 5"4 and I do normally have long brown hair but put the hood up so you could see the back of the cape and not a bushy mane

Also does anyone know where I can get comfy contacts that aren't ridiculously expensive as I might go get blue contacts to cover my green eyes.
Cheers peeps sorry for the delay not been very well and taken a little break from work outs and generally getting out of bed lol
Ok was waiting for corset to arrive and been on holiday so catch up time.
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That's everything together so far. Got two colour tops try though
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And attached grips to the back of the shield
I'm trying to work on a blue beetle chest piece right now but I'm still finding it really hard to curve foam or worbla between my chest right. So if any females can say what they have done to make the right curve then please let me know.
I am going to tinker this still before July as I'm not keen on the belt and would still like to add armour to the backs of the legs
Great build :)

Found this which explains how to shape foam for the female chest. The same principles should work on world there's also loads on YouTube showing how to make plastic and foam female breast plates

Sent From The Batcave

Actually the comments on this were really useful so thank you. Plus always good to see someone else have the same issues. I'm currently messing round with more breastplates so I'm having a play round. Got a mannequin so might be easier. Will be at london comic con in July on the Friday if anyone else is. :)
If you have a mannequin then just hold plastic of foam over the chest with a heat gun should give you a really good shape :)

Sent From The Batcave
I have made some edits to my top half mannequin because I'm currently trying a breastplate make which if works ok I'll do a new post on but at the moment it is just a game of getting the right extra pieces size wise on the bust. But thanks to everyone whose offered advice for my first build :)
Ok so new pictures for the Wonder woman movie came put of her and her mother's costume next to each other and Hippolyta's was so simple and stunning that I gave it some thought. Then went to a local carboot randomly and found a roll of thick foam and decided with like 4 weeks till london film comic con why not remake the entire top lol. This is what Hippolyta's corset looks like compared to wonder woman's.FB_IMG_1466541810367.jpg
So it's following more that design and trying to power through it all
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20160702_155259.jpg just adding thin foam for detail.
20160702_155342.jpg couldn't make still a curve big enough but adding the symbol back in with worbla to add more height to the cups and for texture.
20160703_190839.jpg black worbla for strength and flex on the sides. And honestly I love the finished look of black worbla I think it looks leathery.
That's a far as I am atm. Keeping my cape , skirt , shield and bits. Got to figure how to get a lacing to hold at the back. But figure if can't make it work I can always fall back on old costume
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