ANH Red Y... kit

Cool. Never noticed that, J.

Can make out the remains of several of the dots. Maybe someone decided they were too heavy and took some steel wool to them?

Nice camera!
seeing as we're posting some pix , here's two of the underside.


Noooo!!!! therpf closed down the for sale thread on these Y's until Steve's back log of other kits is cleared, So is this run still going ahead or will everyone get refunded if its not going ahead I wont send my money yet, though technically its not Steve selling the kit Mike is doing all the casting work and pumping out all the kits and since he has a good record of destributing kits he should still be allowed to do this run, I was hoping to get this kit for a Birthday present but if they are halting the run then I guess that wont happen. :( it went from best day ever to worst.
Noooo!!!! therpf closed down the for sale thread on these Y's until Steve's back log of other kits is cleared, So is this run still going ahead or will everyone get refunded if its not going ahead I wont send my money yet, though technically its not Steve selling the kit Mike is doing all the casting work and pumping out all the kits and since he has a good record of destributing kits he should still be allowed to do this run, I was hoping to get this kit for a Birthday present but if they are halting the run then I guess that wont happen. :( it went from best day ever to worst.

Uh, check the link at Steve's post at 7:01 yesterday
Noooo!!!! therpf closed down the for sale thread on these Y's until Steve's back log of other kits is cleared, So is this run still going ahead or will everyone get refunded if its not going ahead I wont send my money yet, though technically its not Steve selling the kit Mike is doing all the casting work and pumping out all the kits and since he has a good record of destributing kits he should still be allowed to do this run, I was hoping to get this kit for a Birthday present but if they are halting the run then I guess that wont happen. :( it went from best day ever to worst.

Calm down, take a deep breath, its not going to end the world just yet dear.
Im sure all will come good, but seeing as there is an owed thread open, the mods felt more comfortable dealing with it this way.
Steve and Mike will handle the situation well....then im sure you will get your kit!

Haha yeah I know calm, it was just sooo close lol, been waiting on this kit for a while this is the second time it was close to coming out. I know Its no big deal it was just shock initially I admit my post was a little frantic but can you blame me? :)

Calm down, take a deep breath, its not going to end the world just yet dear.
Im sure all will come good, but seeing as there is an owed thread open, the mods felt more comfortable dealing with it this way.
Steve and Mike will handle the situation well....then im sure you will get your kit!

Great find Jason!I agree with Kevin and over spray hadn't been done yet?

Yeah no overspray in that shot at all Kaoru. If im correct, the overpsray isnt apparent in the SW to Indy book either? Although it is a small pic.

Good eye on the black squares guys, hadnt noticed that. meant to say this for a while, but the canopy, same colors used on the Red 4 and 12 pyro too.

Yeah no overspray in that shot at all Kaoru. If im correct, the overpsray isnt apparent in the SW to Indy book either? Although it is a small pic.

Good eye on the black squares guys, hadnt noticed that. meant to say this for a while, but the canopy, same colors used on the Red 4 and 12 pyro too.


I must have a thing for yellow canopies they are the two Pyro's I'm doin also.
Wanted to ask will there be cockpit detailing included with the Red Jammer and perhaps a Rebel pilot figure? Or is this true to the ILM original?

Yes, it has a cockpit.

Damn, do I feel bad now. I can relate to what Achilles said about best/worst. Many, many questions need to be answered...
Well, trying to steer clear of the end of the world is nigh crusaders, those black dots do appear apparent in the SW to Indy publication.
I think that was publiched in the 90's if i recall right, id need to drag mine out, cant be sure if the "spatter" is in that shot though.

C'mon Lee, I'm an eternal optimist, this'll get worked out. It's just a little dismaying at first blush.

BotLA shot - yeah - doesn't mean it wasn't an older shot, though, pre-dating the book I mean. Or is the feeling that we're looking at more latter-day restoration work here?
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