11th Doctor 2012 Christmas Special WIP

I'm almost positive they're the same buttons. The rim looks the same for sure and the swirls match up to what I used to think was a gold circle. I think that other picture just looks off for some reason.
Yes, but I used narrower trim than you did (I think 10mm - see earlier in the thread). I also consciously left off the top waistcoat pocket entirely in the interest of time. Probably going to end up remaking the whole thing.

Crap... well that just means I'll have to re-do it down the road... no time now. Need this done by next weekend... Care to share where you picked up your gimp trim? The 1/2" was the best I've been able to find so far. :/

Nice catch on the buttons Risu! I've looked at that pic a hundred times and never noticed them!
Next time I make it up to LA I'll check all the stores again. I don't know when that will be, though.
Wow, that trim isn't cheap. I'm due to hit up the Garment District myself. I'd LOVE to find something remotely close to the purple coat fabric. I've found ONE kinda close material other than the actual stuff and it was also sold out.
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I'm heading up there this saturday, so if I find anything I'll let you gents know.
I'm just hoping it's not dry as a river bed up there, I really do want to find some worthwhile things.
Cap, if you do happen to find the exact matches for either of the buttons and can grab me a set, I'd appreciate it. I couldn't find the waistcoat buttons anywhere last time I went up, but I rarely check most of the small shops. It takes a couple days to get through all of them.
a bit late here but this may help others along the way

Not gonna lie... That trim on the front of the coat is kind of a pain... I'm sure the thinner trim would be easier, however, I'm not certain that I'd even want to take it apart after all this work getting it right with this stuff. We'll see if it bugs me enough to change it. ;) Hoping to get that and most of the coat done today as I found myself with a day off. :)

Nice shot of the costume Pobbrett. Man, the hat looks so much shorter on that mannequin.

Also, not sure if you guys would be interested, (or if this is even the thread for it) but I thought I'd drop this here for anyone who might be planning a 50th anniversary Doctor. A close enough version of the blue polka dotted bow tie. The polka dots are spaced a lot better than the licensed version and though, as stated before, it's probably the most boring of the Doctor's bow ties, it's only $15. Thought I'd leave this here. ;)

Satin Dot - Navy/White (Bow Ties) - Satin Dot - Navy/White (Bow Ties)
a bit late here but this may help others along the way

View attachment 261962

Awesome shot - thanks! Yeah - the hat is the most surprising thing about that image - it looks mad short. Great shot of the tie, though - I'll be wanting to proceed to that look at some point, as well as the scarf.

- - - Updated - - -

Not gonna lie... That trim on the front of the coat is kind of a pain... I'm sure the thinner trim would be easier,

Thinner = perhaps easier, but by no means easy. I spent several days on the trim alone - all by hand. It's worth it, and seriously don't sweat the extra width for now. We are so much more nit-picky here than anyone who sees you in person will EVER be.
Yea, my best argument for the thinner trim would be that it's easier to sew on. I'm not looking forward to it myself.
Yeah... I'm dreading that trim. On a lighter note, I did find these babies at Joann's which I think work great for a close enough. What do you guys think?


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Steve Ricks has once again updated his excellent blog, this time including a closeup of the fob that's hanging on this costume in the Experience exhibit. I won't copy his image here, but it's clearly a boxing medallion with no gold frame. Please visit his site for the full writeup. I do think this is NOT the exact fob that is seen in the Snowmen publicity photos we're all familiar with. It MIGHT be the one they used for the new Christmas special, I haven't seen anything clear enough to say one way or the other.
The problem is that as far as I can tell the medal that was on display at the ExCel doesn't actually match anything that was screen used. Every promo picture from "The Snowmen" up through "The Time of the Doctor" has the same silver with gold trim medallion. In fact when I was at the DWE in late March the fob with this costume was actually an arrowhead shaped fob. I really think there is only one worn with all the different costumes and what we're seeing in the various displays are alts to fill out the costume.
Yea, pretty sure that's just a place holder for the display. A boxing medal was suggested a while back, though. That and a Saint Christopher charm seemed to be the two contenders.
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