11 year olds Halo Master Chief Costume Halo Anniversary


New Member
I'm designing a Halo costume for my son who's 11.

I'm using EVA for the first time and am pretty impressed with the type of detailing and techniques available with this stuff.

I'll post pics soon.

Right now the boots (mounted on a pair of sneakers), limited edition helmet that is only a stand (modified and taken completely apart and reassembled with visor cut out and new visor put in place to see.), and the cod/butt armor are done.

I'm going to use water proof glue as a base so the armor is paint-able and flexible.

We've also purchased a 3/2mm wetsuit, motorcross gloes, and a light sword.

The costume should be pretty awesome once done.
Anyone know how to upload my pics of my sons halo costume ??

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OK tomorrow is paint day. I don't doubt that after reshooting the helmet and painting the whole suit, black detailing will need to be done.
Here are finished pics of the costume. I have to make him a neck ring tomorrow to finish off the costume.

I've had 387 views and no responses to the post. Strange. WP_20131025_001.jpgWP_20131025_002.jpgWP_20131025_003.jpgWP_20131025_004.jpgWP_20131025_005.jpgWP_20131025_006.jpgWP_20131025_007.jpgWP_20131025_008.jpgWP_20131025_009.jpgWP_20131025_010.jpgWP_20131025_011.jpgWP_20131025_012.jpg
He looks great! Wonderful detail... I'm not sure what the costume looks like that you are basing this off of, though (Maybe post a picture of it too?)

I'm always interested in kids costumes regardless of the genre, though - my son youngest is 12 and I have been making my sons costumes for years. My oldest is 15 and stopped wanting them at 13 so we go all out with my youngests now and he is helping me build it at this point.

Where will your son be wearing it? I bet he's super excited and his friends are going to freak out at the coolness.

Don't feel bad about not getting too many responses on here right away, it's not unusual. The board is really big and many just come here to browse, learn how to build costumes or show their own stuff but also, threads disappear really quickly before those who might comment would see them and people just get busy (especially around this time of year.) I am always looking for kid costumes to check out and encourage, but I missed this until today.

I have been here fore over 10 years an have a lot of friends on this board and my current thread about my sons costume has only 2 responses from someone other than myself... It didn't used to be this way, but the size of the board makes it a lot less personal than it used to be. There just are not that many people interested in the genres I make costumes in, so I miss their stuff and they miss mine...

I post in a LOTR/Hobbit group on facebook to have more interaction and discussion on what I'm doing. If you're on FB you could join the RPF group and post a photo on there and a link to this thread, more people interested in Halo and kids costumes might see it there. On here I try to just be happy with the view count.

Do you have any in-progress photos that help explain how you did it? If so, you should enter your sons costume in the Halloween contest to get more exposure! :D Look in the stuck threads at the top of this forum for details.
Here are the pics of the action figure it was based on.


He's just going trick or treating in it. We'll put it on his life cast once Halloween is over.

Maybe make a rock display that he stands on with one foot.
His friends have been following the progress of the costume and were impressed once it was done.

Yeah, I hear you on getting responses :)
Wow! Looks spot on! My son knew what it was right away... I hope his friends get inspired and they get involved themselves. Around here it is so sad that at about 13 kids stop going in costumes... all the contests and parades we were in were for younger kids. I did hear about a few places further out from where we are that were for adults too, but I think it's a underrated hobby for the teen years.

Also, that's a great idea about displaying it. Hmmm... giving me some ideas for my son's Thorin. I'll have to make the armature though.
Woah, that's great craftsmanship there, man!

I'm sure your son is stoked for Halloween now! Haha. :D

Great build! :thumbsup
If you made a life cast of your son with duct tape, its easy to cut it open, create a skeleton, stuff with padding, and then duct tape close.

And yes I agree, we were very lucky to keep the scale correct without exaggerating parts.

It was a fun project.

Just not sure what to build next.

I will have pics of the costume once it's on a rock display
You're killing me here. This is your first foam build? :cry A friend sent me the link to this thread and asked if it was mine. I WISH. (My son is 6.)

Tell me of your waterproof glue, Ussel. And did you plan this out beforehand or did you eyeball it?
I used gorilla white glue.

It did make it hard and shiny but it will chafe the paint on the calf and shoe armor.

I was going to use plastidip but was afraid with Colorado weather I couldn't ventilate my spray area enough because of how cold it was the weekend I was going to paint.

If I had a flexible version of white glue I would have used that.

I planned the build based on the toy.

Then I did a body cast in duct tape.

Then I made patters one piece at a time and one layer at a time.

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The visor in the display helmet wasn't a visor but plastic painted.

So I cut away the middle section.

Then I went to a thrift store and found ski goggles with amber lenses. I paid $1

Then I glued it to the helmets visor.