1/350 enterprise d 6 footer

He means to ask what's the largest (craziest) scale starship to be completed on these forums.

Although this 6ft Enterprise D is impressive, he says there was an 11ft TOS Enterprise that was cancelled or unfinished.
I have only been on here for a couple of years now, but I think the 5-foot Millennium Falcon qualifies as craziest project. It takes years of research and over $10,000. dollars in spare parts to put together. That doesn't even include the styrene, the lighting and the armature. Many props to the crazy boogers who build that one! :) My favorite Texan is building a studio-scale Betty from Aliens 3; that is a beautiful scratch-build, as well. IMO I don't think you can judge a project on its size. Rather you should judge it by its complexity and execution. Katsu-san has created masterpieces of executed precision that are only about 2 feet long. Check out The nylon Gag's most recent finale... He is another amazing artist. The amount of detail he put into that little space-transport will blow your mind. I get jealous just thinking about all the artists on here who are better than me. It is an honor to be able interact with them. But you know, the biggest, most complicated project you could ever build is the one you haven't built yet. ;)
More pics less talk

Almost ready to mold this part, had an issue with the nacelle pylons being too short....oops


As close as I can get it, got to get this monster done!

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I am glad that you still have time for this. You are a wonderful sculptor. :) As always, I will look forward to the next update. She is looking most excellent!
Great work until now Galaxyman. Uaaahhnnn...

How do you plan to engrave de details, the lines, the lines of the decks in the enginering for example?

What about use a digital projector to Project the image of the ship diagrams direct into the model?
If you project a 2-D image of a 3-D image onto a 3-D surface I would imagine the details would be inaccurate. A laser level would be my solution. You could then mark the lines with a scoring tape, or line tape if you intend to prime the lines in, and then you got it! Of course, I am eager to see YOUR solution. :)
Yes, you need a 2D surface to project a image accurate. But if the depth of the object, or a obeject's given área it's not very variable, and if you Project the image with a projector very very far, it can help a bit.

Well... ok, another (better) idea:

-Print a quality transparance of the lateral diagram with the lines etc.
-Place it over a frame with glass screen in a stand. Try to align it between you, the ship and the glass, in a way the size appers the same and the countorns match for your point of view.
-And ask someone to help, using a laser line to place each line in the right place.

Or perhaps use a vídeo câmera real time monitor, shooting from far, Split screen with the live image from câmera and a photo from the diagram. He would working near the model, and all the time looking to the monitor image shoot from distance with the diagram on the side of screen. So he can work closer and see how the model is getting in full image, in magnitude.
With the help of a software, anything but the diagram lines would be visible, and the rest of the diagram very transparente, and it would be placed over the image of the model. So he would work on it and all the time looking to the monitor to see it the right place was got..

Sounds like crazy ideas, but for a talented perfectinonist guy like hin, crazy it's never crazy enough.

If you project a 2-D image of a 3-D image onto a 3-D surface I would imagine the details would be inaccurate. A laser level would be my solution. You could then mark the lines with a scoring tape, or line tape if you intend to prime the lines in, and then you got it! Of course, I am eager to see YOUR solution. :)
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The lines have already been engraved on the surface.
Just like i did on this other project

Can you see them?

Jammydog fine line tape and primer!
I love the smell of Bondo in the morning! Your body work skills are showing. It's looking great!

So have you noticed the word "ugly" in the paint job yet?
At least one of the model makers at ILM wasn't; shall we say, enamored with the look of the D and painted his opinion onto it.
I love the smell of Bondo in the morning! Your body work skills are showing. It's looking great!

So have you noticed the word "ugly" in the paint job yet?
At least one of the model makers at ILM wasn't; shall we say, enamored with the look of the D and painted his opinion onto it.

Haven't found that yet! If you have a pic I can make sure I'm accurate.

I did notice in this picture the lifeboats near the shuttle bay were put on upside down though. Unsure if I will do that on mine or not.
The upside down lifeboats look intentional to me. Coulda' been a mistake too, but who's to say which way is up in space.

As for the paint easter egg: I haven't looked to hard for it myself. I was told the story by a couple of coworkers at ILM including the guy who did it that it even shows up on the paint instructions in the model kit. I don't know if it's still on the model today as it's been repainted and touched up over the years and may have been covered up.
As I recall it was pretty large but stylized.
If I may, there's something I noticed that I'd like to point out.

I went through some reference photos I had and noticed the forward and rear angles of the nacelle pylon do not appear correct. In my references there is also a gap between the nacelle grill and the outer paneling of the nacelle.

I highlighted in red what I mean and included one of my references.


Here's another slightly different reference for the angle of the pylon. The front of it is curved much as you have it now, but the back is still the same overall idea as the illustration.

matt portfolio (14).JPG

Hope those are helpful.
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