TRON toy Deluxe ID Disc. Mod./Enhancements

Nice! I’m working on one of these also, still trying to get a clear "c" ring for the center and casting it has returned less than desirable results. As for the outer ring I had a piece of clear acrylic cut so it looks a bit more like the movie prop.
What kind of circuitry are you using to control the light up sequence?
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Thanks Manix and DemonFire :)

As always happens, if enough time goes by someone will design and build an electronics package for the toy disc using state of the art, miniature circuitry and microcontrollers, using multicolor SMT LED's, that will just drop into the 8.5" body. But I had to use old school thinking, using shift registers, timers and lay out the board so it would not block the light from the 72 LED's and hold (8) 1.5V batteries to run it.

Here is a look inside: No CGI
YouTube - TRON Legacy Identity Disc - Disk electronics no CGI


Damn fine work friend.
this might suck ,or not but what about some short length /modified blue christmas lights
hell it might ,problem would be power supply unless they make battery power christmas lights .just a thought
Wow that is amazing. I just wish someone would make a kit that could do that for me to install in mine, because I just don't have your level of skill. Amazing!
hey propmaster2000

Great work! The disc looks awesome! I worked on the film and I had a question for you. If you have a minute, can you send me a private message?

Wow now that is some impressive work. Hats off, I think this really is the best disc I've seen. The different sequences as well as the pulse are incredibly impressive. Now I have a goal for my disc, you make it look easy.
Very impressive propmaster2000. I had never seen the trailer that you linked to which shows the blade sequencing, So I had wondered why everyone was going for this effect. I do admit that it looks better than flashing on. In that trailer I also noticed that the blade is "C" shaped like the inner ring. I thought that was odd.

Do the magnets hold the two halves together securely? I just picked up one of thes discs this weekend and am looking forward to trying to modify it similar to yours. Thanks for the inspiration.
Great stuff! Love what you did to make the outer ring rotate / sizzle.
Would love to see a wiring schematic someday, but I'm sure you'll want to kee it to yourself for a little while...
Not quite as impressive, but I just finished modifying my disc into a CLU disc:


This is using SMD strips and the clear disc from the Kevin version.
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