Aliens Colonial Marines Flamethrower


Well-Known Member
Here is my version of the M240 flamethrower:


The flamethrower was made from a toy plastic "Tony Montana" M16 with underslung grenade launcher. I dremelled the whole thing into pieces, re-arranged them, and glued them back together, and added a soda bottle and a few greeblies. Alas, the M16/grenade launcher that I received from Amazon was NOT the one pictured in their listing, so the grenade launcher parts look different from those used in the movie. But it still looks pretty good, and goes well with my pulse rifle. :)
I love these kinds of builds. "Using every part of the animal" as it were.

Cheap and fun!

A little weathering and a secondary dark grey color would go a long way to making the whole thing look a 100 times better for a just little more work.

Genius use of the stock - But if I were you, I'd splash out on another M16 and redo the pistol grip section... Would make it a million times better!
Was this the gun you tried to buy?

Yes. I wanted it for the squared shroud that attaches the grenade launcher to the M16. Looks more like the actual prop.

What I got instead was some "police-SWAT" toy version. Same price, but not the same gun. I'm sure Amazon figured I wouldn't care about the difference. But it only cost me twenty bucks, and it still looks good enough to use in fan films, so I won't ***** and moan about it. ;)
A little weathering and a secondary dark grey color would go a long way to making the whole thing look a 100 times better for a just little more work.

Well it could do with some weathering, but it's painted khaki brown to match my pulse rifle (pulse rifle can be seen here: ) And there is a reason why both are khaki brown instead of OD green--I use all my props in fan films and I shoot all ym fan films in front of a greenscreen, so I can't have any green color in any of my props or costumes. So I changed them to brown instead.

EDIT: the actual prop isn't as light-colored as it appears in this photo--that's from the flash. It's actually a khaki brown-tan color.
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That original m16 would've been perfect for this. Too bad.

A couple other sellers carry the same gun. I wonder if o ne of them has the "correct" rifle?

I'm sure at some point, after I've looked at it and grumbled enough times, I'll pop for another one and re-do it with the right grenade launcher. It's not that this one looks bad (and all I want is a prop for fan films, not an uber-accurate display), but it just irks me, dammit. ;)

Another option would be to fashion a squarish shroud from plastic sheet and fix it up that way.
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