ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion - Three ANH Greeblies Found

I don't have my model in front of me to measure but I think it was around 11mm of top exposure...but the Denix chamber is not accurate so may be best to eyeball the receiver from the side and mark the length that looks best? Use some masking tape to see if it looks correct first. If still unsure, cut a bit long. You can always file off more if needed. Deadbolt would know for sure.
Thanks guys. Well...the deed is done. I was cutting while you were posting Jedifather, so I missed that. It's closer to 11 than 8.5, but it's in the ballpark. I turned it on a mini lathe, sweating bullets the whole time. The mating face came out nice though, so I'm not filing nothin. It is what it is.
My appologies, I didn't see you guy's posts until today! From my measurement it's somewhere around 8.5mm - 9.5mm from the top chamber opening to the bull barrel seam, closest to 9mm on the Hero prop from what I can tell.

But to get the appropriate look, that measurement may differ depending on what you use as a base. Like MGC, Denix etc.. A Denix or MGC might possibly run a little more in the 9.5mm - 10.5mm range for the right look.

This is how I choose to reconcile where my cut is. :cool
I have a buddy who owns a real Mauser and allowed me to make a couple measurements.
(It’s my BS and I get to tell it any way I
The top flat behind his barrel in front of the chamber measures 0.3in wide.
If the length measurement on the Hero is 9.5mm, that’s a ratio W to L of 1:1.25.
My Denix measures .38in wide on the top flat.
At a ratio of 1:1.25 I get 12.065mm, and I’m under that.
So proportionally, for the Denix, I’m good.
This will help me sleep at night.
Nice! Still watching but I had to laugh out loud and imagine the scream of terror from the owner and MR collectors when Adam let the MR Elite clack together with the mgc.

Holy cow, that's so cool! It's really been such an amazing honor being any part of all of this and working alongside Pat, Dave and everyone else here on the RPF.. We never expected in the beginning that the project would get to the level it did, and with such fantastic team work at that. It's been such a wondrous experience working with everyone involved, the sort of thing a person could normally only dream of, let alone experience. And I certainly never expected people like Norman and Adam to take interest and do what they have for the project! All of this has been just so very surreal..

It's great to see Norman's replica up and running too! The way things have been around my household lately I haven't gotten much of a chance to really begin on mine yet. :p

Love it! My favorite quote is Adam saying, "F*ckin' perfect! That's what that is." Couldn't agree more. You guys deserve the attention. Nicely done.
Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

I might have the ridge thickness off, but that long highlight is definitely on the ridge and it extends past the base. My drawing is based on the actual photo which is clearer than the Chronicles scan, but some stuff is still lost to the darkness. I only reposted it on top of your scan because I don't have permission to post the original.
Here's a second attempt highlighting some faint, but sharp value differences that might be edges. I'm positive about the outline of the antenna head - that much is very clear in the original pic (yours is too large and drawn too far to the right).

Carson's 3D model works well and matches up with pics so I don't see why you can't make it work.
Carson - Is the track scaled correctly in our 3D image?
The base should be about 1/2 inch wide.

As to why the sight broke the way it did...
T-track is rigid. It was heated and bent into the Sterling holes. Once cooled is holds very tight and you don't even need glue. I'm not sure if it's rigid/brittle enough to break on impact. It may have been cut or broken accidentally in a more direct way like pliers or vise (might explain the two scalloped shaped cuts in the right outlined above). It's easy to see how the antenna fell off since there is very little surface area to adhere to.

PS - T-track matches up in ANH, ESB and ROTJ. There are good ANH E-11 blaster pics that confirm the dimensions.

Any chance since time has passed you have permission to show us the real photo yet? ;)
I think the older stuff which would have been about in the 70's would be brittle more like bakerlite.

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