Time jump aircraft film "Millennium" 80's?


Sr Member

I just saw this 1980's film for the first time.
What a great concept, what bad execution.
This looks like Logan's run without the good taste.
When the robot walked in, it was a big "you have to be kidding me" moment. This would be a good film for a remake, but maybe loose the bad props. I did like the way the focus of the film was so well placed, first it was all about a crash, than the strange-ness was slowly introduced.

But that big hair and lego robot....whyyyyyyyyyy.
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That's a great movie. I am boggled at how they advertise that smoking was good for you, haha!

Just remember: This is not the end...this is not the beginning of the end...this is the end of the beginning!
That's a great movie. I am boggled at how they advertise that smoking was good for you, haha!

Just remember: This is not the end...this is not the beginning of the end...this is the end of the beginning!

This is not the end of the end, but the beginning of..no wait..the end of the film..no the beginning of the... I hate time travel.
At least they show reprocussions for the paradoxes. Like when the dude tazes himself and totally blows up the future...
The NTSB hangar scene was actually filmed at the old Canadian (Air) Force Base Downsview where I attended Air Cadets in the 80s. I remember when they were filming there.

So of course I was over the moon to see the movie when it came out. Watched it back in the theater in 1989. It was... weird to say the least. Had a wee bit of a Terry Gilliam flavour to it. I remember that part of the movie "repeats itself" from a different perspective.

Ironically I bought the dvd this year after watching 12 Monkeys, but still haven't gotten around to revisiting it.

The weird thing is, I was thinking of this movie the other day and was going to post a thread asking if anyone knew the name.
I remember being really intrigued by the time travel elements when I first saw this. Now I'm wondering if seeing it again would spoil the memory.

And just browsing IMDB I was able to separate this film in my mind from another I only partly remembered: Timescape.
ya know, i remember ENJOYING this movie back when it was "new"...

I was telling my wife about it a few years ago and we rented it......


it was horrible! lol
still a fun movie, but terribly dated
That's a great movie. I am boggled at how they advertise that smoking was good for you, haha!

In the original short story, she had to smoke to get the "necessary" pollutants her body had become accustomed to. She couldn't breathe clean air comfortably. I recommend reading it, as it's written by one of my favorite authors, John Varley.
Funny co-incidence...I just watched it the other night. Just flipping through the channels and it was starting, I had to watch it!
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