Thor is a woman


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Re: Thor has been transgendered

It was my understanding this is a female version of Thor, not male Thor after transgender surgery.

With all the multiverse, infinite and reboot story lines, I'm failing to see a problem with this as a comic book.
Re: Thor has been transgendered

Yes, a female Thor. No surgery in the story line - just via the minds at Marvel.

I guess whatever it takes to sell comic books... :wacko
Re: Thor has been transgendered

Hasn't Mjolnir transformed other beings into Thor before? I vaguely recall some kind of alien picking up the hammer and transforming into Thor. Sounds like more of the same. If I still regularly bought comics I'd probably pick this up.
Re: Thor has been transgendered

Loki was a woman in the comics for several years. I don't think there'll be much mockery from him. ;)

Do try to remember that this is Loki we're talking about. If he can belittle his sibling, he will do so... ESPECIALLY if he remembers that Thor was once male. I foresee a "You hit like a girl" joke...
Re: Thor has been transgendered

Do try to remember that this is Loki we're talking about. If he can belittle his sibling, he will do so... ESPECIALLY if he remembers that Thor was once male. I foresee a "You hit like a girl" joke...

LOL. True.

Hasn't Mjolnir transformed other beings into Thor before? I vaguely recall some kind of alien picking up the hammer and transforming into Thor. Sounds like more of the same. If I still regularly bought comics I'd probably pick this up.

One of io9's subsections posted a list of 14 times Mjolnir's been wielded by someone other than Thor. Also, you're thinking of Beta Ray Bill. :)
Re: Thor has been transgendered

Only problem I have is that they're calling her Thor. I know other people have taken super hero identities before, but Thor's name is Thor. He's the God of Thunder.
I see them calling her Thor as an effort to catch new reader's eye with a familiar name. Which turns me off completely.

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Re: Thor has been transgendered

To quote Series writer Jason Aaron: “This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. ... This is THE Thor.”

Evidently P.C. is playing a part (Marvel heroes are too male-centric).

I'm going to drop out of society and wear live animals as hats. It makes more sense.
Re: Thor has been transgendered

Thor is the name. God of Thunder was the title; now it's Goddess of Thunder. :wacko
Re: Thor has been transgendered

So, basically, they just turned him into a variation of Valkyrie, minus the wings?

Re: Thor has been transgendered

Apparently she isn't the same character, she just now carries the hammer and took the name to replace him. It's a publicity stunt to get girls reading the comics. Still better than the crap they're pulling with Archie.
Re: Thor has been transgendered

Not the worst idea for comics ive heard, might happen during the 'Original Sin' event this summer. We'll see if it sticks, kinda makes you wonder what the original Thor will be up to after that.

*EDIT* it just occurs to me that if they had pulled this stunt 10 years ago we would have been sure it was to sell Thor to boys by giving him bewbs, and now the exact same thing is supposed to sell Thor to women. I'm not sure if that's ironic but it seems worth a chuckle. Hopefully the artists involved do something interesting with it.
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Re: Thor has been transgendered

So, as with other "stunt casting" that they've done, my objection to this is less the attempt to bring in female readers, and more how it appears to be kind of a crass, cheap attempt at doing so. Now, if they can write female characters effectively? Awesome. Go for it. But that'd likely require that the writers of the comic be female themselves, or at least Joss Whedon.

Maybe it'll work and it'll be fine, but it seems like this stuff is always done by the major titles as just some kind of stunt. Rather than create a new comic that would actually appeal to women, they write basically the same old male power fantasy, but now with boobs! Or a different color of skin! Or whatever. It still doesn't really speak to the experience of women, or people of color, or whatever. As a result, none of it really seems genuine. And, of course, it's always subject to a retcon, which you KNOW is gonna happen here. Thor WILL become a man again. Guaranteed. Maybe you'll also end up with She-Thor or maybe they'll turn her into Valkyrie Mk. II or whatever, but this won't last any more than Steve Rogers being dead would or Peter Parker being dead would or Superman or Batman or Jean Grey being dead did. It'll revert to form and the only thing that will have been accomplished is some marketing hoopla.
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