Prometheus (Post-release)

Just saw it in 3D Imax tonight. It did not disappoint...well, I could have REALLY done without that birthing scene at the end. Overall it was fantastic.

I was so hoping we would get a film that required us to think a bit about what we are seeing and not some spoon fed wrap-it-up-at-the-end Alien kills everyone off sci-fi pap. Ridley and the two writers did not disappoint.
When Ridley said this was not an Alien prequel, but something new, I took him at his word and left preconceptions at the door.

Anyway, just I read through the past few pages to see other peoples reactions. Too tired to read through all of it now, but I'm surprised that so many posts indicate people simply did not pay attention to what the film was about. My two teenage nephews and I talked about the subtext of the story and the themes the entire way home. If they could figure it out without thinking too hard...oh well. I guess people will get more of it on subsequent viewings.

Like Blade Runner, there is a lot going under under the surface, but it is so much more obvious, developed, and in your face than Blade Runner. Many of the same 'creator vs the creator's creations' themes permeate the film, but on multiple levels, as well as several levels of sacrifice. I'm not sure what people are on about with flaws and plot holes. I found none. Every character's actions and motives and every scene had a purpose. It was just a masterfully done, wonderfully integrated puzzle. I'm sure I will discover even more interesting things on future viewings, but it's all there on screen.

For those of you who did not get why the alien virus had different effects on the different characters, why the decapitated head exploded, why the med bay was just for a man, why or what the point of the engineer ripping David's head off and killing him with it was, and why he attacked the others...why it does not matter that Elizabeth did not have her glove on at the end, why the engineer went after her instead of just going to another ship to get to earth...and half a dozen other complaints and puzzlings I just read the film again. Yes there are a few things up to interpretation, and yes there are, thankfully, some questions left unanswered, but almost everything is there in the film.

Must sleep now.
To me, I say that the Engineers are Not the real owners of the ship and equipment. They have built that suit to resemble the Real Owners and it allows them to interact with the ship.

Had similar thoughts about this too. The ship at the beginning looks nothing like anything else we see in the film (who were those guys?) and I wonder, since the Engineers do have a language..written and spoken, if the use of the 'flute' was because the ships were not originally theirs, but like David, they learned how to operate them. Of course, I could be completely wrong, I just found it funny that even those beings with language could only operate the ship by tones and controls.
The ship at the beginning of the movie had a different purpose then the "warship" on the planet. Also, the Engineers were adapting and continually advancing their own technology. It could be any number of reasons for the differences in the ship. As someone said earlier, could be different factions of Engineers? Although similar, the "black goo" the Engineer drank, could be different from that found on the planet? It certainly was in a different, special, ceremonial (?) container. (Who's making one of those?)
I will not pic it apart. The story line bounces around so much it is not watchable.

To me looks like the movie was edited by a guy on crack.

I will not pic it apart. The story line bounces around so much it is not watchable.

To me looks like the movie was edited by a guy on crack.

Ok, now ...


Saw twice already and thought it was great both times. Stunningly beautiful, especially in IMAX 3D.

The biggest let down was Old Man Weyland at the end, but it wasn't too horribly distracting. The scene with Janek and Shaw near the end of the movie was kinda bizarre to me, since Janek almost sounded like he was out-of-character talking about the engineer's "weapons of mass destruction", but again, it didn't distract me from my overall enjoyment.

I like how there was kind of a resolution to it, despite it be open-ended for sequels. Didn't expect anyone to survive at all. Again, great visuals, great aliens (I want my own Hammerpede!!! :lol), great sound design and music, great acting and some good funny moments thrown in. Looking forward to the sequels (provided that some of the questions in this movie get answered).
A lot of the theories I've read state the Engineers visited Earth several times and left humanity "directions" on how to find them when we were ready. But the directions they left led them to what Janeck called a "military outpost" - kind of an odd place for a meet 'n greet...
maybe oneye can share his meds with the rest of us and we can all enjoy the movie as much as he did :) :lol .........ooooohhh pretty colors :confused
I think it served 2 points:

1) It was the 2nd big clue that Weyland was there, and that it was intended for him. Prior to that, we just had the scene with David taking orders from him in the hypersleep chamber, but it still hadn't been fully revealed until she ran into the room after the surgery. It also told us that the whole oppulent lifeboat wasn't actually for Vickers, but for Weyland, a clue that Vickers wasn't even supposed to be there (as we find out when she confronts her "father").

I figured that out the minute I saw Weyland. I think it is mentioned earlier, but him being there doesn't strike me as shocking. He paid for the mission for god sake, he should be allowed to tag along don't you think? In the briefing he said he would be long gone. Why would he do that? And long gone is a stretch.. Maybe two or three years ago or people would have known about it before the mission started, right? The tension between father and daughter was another thing I thought was thrown in there.. Or at least the revealing of the fact she was his daughter. The story didn't play on it really. Ok she was neglected by her workaholic father, so what? Of all the questions the movie does answer, it is 'why is Vickers such a tightass?' Come on, is that so important?

As far as the machine being calibrated for a male, I think that was just the computer's standard error message for why it didn't have a C-section available. It wasn't just that it was calibrated only for male patients, but specifically setup for Weyland himself. It probably had detailed scans of him, his complete medical history, blood type, allergies, etc., and was ready to immediately work on him if needed. All of a sudden, someone asked it to do a C-section, and it didn't compute.
Fair enough.
I had a bigger problem with Vickers trying to out run the crashing spaceship in a straight line from the ship. Like if you cut a tree down and run out the way it's falling. Take two steps to the left or right, like the other one did, and it misses you!

Actually it makes sense if you think about it.. If you are running from something you are looking at obstacles in front of you, and not so much behind you. Then you don't have a clear picture of what is behind you and where things are falling. Turning could be just as bad as running straight ahead...
A lot of the theories I've read state the Engineers visited Earth several times and left humanity "directions" on how to find them when we were ready. But the directions they left led them to what Janeck called a "military outpost" - kind of an odd place for a meet 'n greet...

Maybe its a kind of "If your smart enough to make it here, its goo time for you sunshine". scenerio. That would lead to a point in the story where something happened somewhere else that started this etch- a- sketch style approach to DNA designs. Possibly.
I suspend reality, and just take it in. I'm sad that so many are unable to do that and are analyzing while watching. I was looking at so many things on the screen. Oh, that would be cool to have, love the flame thrower, wish I could get a better look at the pistols they use, etc...

Right there with you, man. I was doing that, and thinking 'crap, what next - how hackneyed is this next bit going to be...okay, THAT hackneyed huh? ...yeah another bit I saw coming a mile off...WHOA...okay, didn't see THAT WHAAAT? GET OUTTA THERE! RUUUUUUN!!!!', I guess that's immersion. Mission accomplished Mr. Lindelof, thank you very much.

Eh, 8 bucks for 2 hours of entertainment isn't so bad.

Wow. My total was $19.50, 2D, including a small coke. Where do you live? I want to move there!

I'm not sure of the timelines. Traveling the distances and speeds that they do in the filmz has to have implications that aren't fully explored in the movies. I think when Ripley escaped at the end of Alien, she was floating around in space for 60 years or so. Prometheus traveling for 2+ years at who knows what speed. When did Nostromo head out into space? Too much math for me to figure out.

Prometheus is much slower than Nostromo. Even if Nostromo is 20 years old she would still be at least 7 or 8 years newer than Prometheus, which was flying by or before 2091.

Another thing, the "pilot" dies in the escape module and not in the chair like he or "it" was found in Alien, what gives?

Basically the filmmakers made a huge mistake and forgot to set the film on LV426. But don't worry, I'm sure this will be retconned in the next movie. :p

If you are going to post, please keep up. This is not the same planet.

You know what they say, the customer is always right...It is starting to look like a big percentage of the audience is mistaking LV223 for LV426, despite the work the production put in to make them look nothing alike and alert us to the fact that this was a different solar system. :rolleyes Retcons really might be in the offing, especially if there is no further film.

I guess Lucas got it exactly right when he made his fictional universe totally Tattooine-centric and heavily minimalist (Vader built 3PO, Luke and Leia are siblings, there are about 3 degrees of separation in his galaxy, etc). Audiences are too damn conservative...give us comforting familiarity or give us death!!!! is their battle cry...
Saw it yesterday in 2D. Been chewing on this movie since 4pm yesterday. I love it and hate it. There is a ton to love and a few things that I just didn't like. The stuff I didn't like was not any of the current "why didn't the medical bed....." or what planet were they on at the begining, etc. I just didn't like certain things, like the alien birth at the end. The film could have ended with the Engineer being covered by the HUGE face hugger. Didn't like the design of the last alien itself. Remember in Beetlejuice when the Maitlands try to scare the little girl? They deform their faces? There's the alien.

At any rate I can suspend disbelief for two hours and accept the medical advances, the different look of ships and equipment. I wont over analize the movie for more than what I saw on screen as, in the end, it was just a movie.

What does surprise me is how many people thought this took place on the same planet as ALIEN and the Engineer was the same guy found in ALIEN. Must not be very big ALIEN fans....
S Didn't like the design of the last alien itself. Remember in Beetlejuice when the Maitlands try to scare the little girl? They deform their faces? There's the alien.

i thought the exact same thing, beetlejuice



agreed loved the movie, except for the what seemed to me to be a fanboy 'happy ending' - however i've only seen the movie once, perhaps after a few more viewings...

... date of 10/11/12. Could they have filmed a sequel in secret?

it's the blu-ray release week
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I went in with low expectations from split reviews. The visuals were impressive, plot not so much, but it was an enjoyable film, and I am looking forward to the sequels.
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