Scratch Built TDK/R suit in progress...


New Member
Hi. Having looked around here at prices and been in touch with Kris at HKC, I am embarking on a scratch-built TDK suit.
Current progress;
Rubies cowl bought and modded to TDK look


Half chaps matched to boots.

Chest piece structure fibreglassed, waiting for mock CF vinyl to cover it.


Spandex undersuit ordered
Mesh catsuit *ahem* ordered
Bike gloves bought and modded.


Numerous incorrect Rubies belts bought:cry

What the hell is going on with Rubies anyway???
Neck guard cut from 4mm EVA foam

More to come...
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...that's not the "New" rubies TDK belt is it? I just ordered one from a costume site earlier today. I hope it doesn't look like that.
Undersuit...Hah ha! I am cheating big style and am going down the lingerie will look fine after a dusting of dark silver spray.
Yup, the new rubies belt is a dog. I have yet another on order from the US, I am assured it is the right one. I would have got the kit one but A) Its pricey for what I want, and B) The clock is ticking.
New pics going up later.
The plan for the armour is to make a mixture of hollow latex parts from a plaster mould and EVA foam panels.
Here are the laser cut MDF plugs for the armour. Put them in a plastic tray, grease em up and pour on gypsum...

Heres the mould for the rubber parts...

The Carbon Fibre effect vinyl arrived and it is GREAT! Just the right colourand has a bit of stretch. Pics of glueing and wrapping process...


I have redesigned the neck piece and meshed the back of it...(ignore the shirt!)
Finished upper chest minus bat symbol, this will be laser cut from foam and glued on...


The first pull from the armour mould plastidipped. I am not impressed...

I tried some other ways but the latex shrinks and deforms. Plan B is soft two part urethane foam. Fingers crossed.
Ta. I am going for a medium weight velvet cloak with the nap running up instead of down. I have two plans for cloaks but have not decided which to go with yet. I have CAD'd about 80% of the flat armour panels and need to find some quiet time on the laser cutter to cut em out. They'll be plastidipped too so the armour all matches.
I have a cunning plan involving laser cut formers and vac-formed plastic for the gauntlets. The fins will be closed as I don't fancy any accidents...
I'd really like some mini-bombs, anyone got any ideas? I'd love some pyro ones. I did GB a few years back and has a smoke bomb in the trap. That looked the nuts...
Maybe. But the photo doesn't show it in proportion and the rest of the armour should balance it out.
When you hand build your one, we'll compare notes... ;)
That carbon fiber like vinyl is a great touch. I'm sure once you add the other Armor pieces the chest will be just fine. Are they going to attach to the chest piece or be a separate piece all together? Can you show the back of the chest? I'd like to see how you attached the straps.
Looks pretty excellent so far, that carbon fiber vinyl looks very cool!

Did you close the seam on that Rubies cowl with latex? It looks much better without the seam; is it tough to put the cowl on like that though? I just picked one up and was looking at doing something similar.

Regarding mini mines, Lowe's has these 'Magnetic Light Mines' for about $6 each. Very much looks the part of the mini mine with a repaint. Don't know if you'd be able to take it apart and turn it into a pyro version but it's cheap enough to give it a shot.
Thanks guys. Tht abs armour is a blow-out so far. The latex shrunk too much so I tried the two-part PU foam. The foam itself is great but it grabbed the mould and won't let go! Plan F is to use new shallower plugs and to let the latex dwell longer to give a thicker wall. The Vinyl is great, cheap too, imported form china via ebay. It wasn't listed as CF, try *ahem* Fetish shiny Vinyl...
The undersuit is ok, I sprayed up the fishnet catsuit and it looks ok. Not SA, but I am going for a budget SA look...
Ruze, I did a thread on glueing the cowl, search my threads for it.
I have been busy, I have vac formed gauntlets and have acrylic fin inserts. Pics ot follow.. I have cut some templates for the armour panels from the RPF and am gonna try them out on the mannequin.
Oh, did I mention I made a gaffer mannequin??? ;)
Ruze, Just found the light mines on ebay in the UK and am gonna give them a try. Thanks a lot for the encouragement guys!
Oh and the cowl just about pulls on, it has some stretch to it.
Martcpl, I will add pics of the back but the elastic is just bonded on with good ole two-part epoxy. My girlfriend was the inspiration for the fastening, it resembles a bra...
Right, pic update time. Have put straps on the gauntlets. They need paint and while they aren't exectly SA, I think they are pretty cool!


I'll figure out a way of covering the padding...
Rivets from beneath...

And an idea what it will look like when the fins are on...
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