Mass Effect 2 N7 Armor Builds

I would love to know a little more about the limitations and possibilities of this kind of foam as well as the process of heat molding it. It appears to be a great medium to work with.
Day 9 Progress: (more info on my blog)

Absolutely gorgeous. I'd been racking my brain for what might be the best option in fabricating Alliance or Cerberus armor, but this method is a real inspiration. Looks like I'll be pricing some foam this weekend!
I saw on your blog how you shaped the chestplate.. It looks like you achieved a fantastic result with heating and manually stretching the foam over a form. Do you think it would be possible to vacuum form this foam?

I've picked some up recently but haven't had a chance to work with it.. seems like it's a really hot material choice right now. Thanks for the excellent documentation.
I saw on your blog how you shaped the chestplate.. It looks like you achieved a fantastic result with heating and manually stretching the foam over a form. Do you think it would be possible to vacuum form this foam?

I've picked some up recently but haven't had a chance to work with it.. seems like it's a really hot material choice right now. Thanks for the excellent documentation.

The only problem with trying to vac form this that I could forsee is that when it gets really hot and soft it can tear easily. you would have to use a really low pressure to keep from sucking holes through the foam.
yeah i just had a look on ebay and the cheapest options seem to be the camping mats which i think are the same stuff.....

I was doing a project at work, soundproofing a couple of doors. I went and bought a foam that I was told was just like Neoprene but cheaper, and it turns out it's the same foam as the floor mats. It's called Minicel it doesn't have the texture and a 72" x 48" x 1/2" sheet is 19.04, I saved the offcuts and brought them home. I can't speak for their shipping, since they're in the neighborhood, but a great price none the less. check them out

Welcome to Foam Factory

I'm really impressed with the curves, and I'm not just "being a guy"... well maybe a little.

Do you have any in progress photos?
What an amazing suit David!

A while back I came across your blue Guyver costume and was intrigued by the way you implemented the hotglue technique to achive such a perfect finish.

Now I find this and must say I am blown away by the clean, crisp look of the EVA foam 'armour plating'. The thing that I really like is that you didn't have to resort to using expensive, labour intensive moulds but rather made the suit using flat elements.

You have another fan, sir :thumbsup

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