RPF 2014 Model Contest

Those are some great models, guys. Good luck to all of you.:) ( I was just joking about the extension... no hard feelings on my part. I will finish my build for sure. And now I can take my time and do it better! :) ) Again, good luck, guys. Great looking models. My favorite is all of them. That's why I joined the RPF... So much great talent here. :)
the waiting is fine with me..I came to the realization I wont win lol ..but at least it was fun participating.
Oh man, I hope it's soon. I'm going to be back home in Washington with very limited internet access for all next week.
sunday my friend.... sunday...

coincidentally, I'm going to start a diet and detox (no more beer) on sunday - early monday... It's summer time and I need to go to the beach. I need 'inspiration' ;)
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Holds breath!!!!!!

Yeah detox..yeah.. maybe no beer and whiskey and soda instead

I tried that once... very hazy time of my life... some questionable women ;) , some blank spots, but fun overall... Whiskey and I no longer get along however... Whiskey got retarded one night and made a fool of me. So I replaced it with a Jagermiester and Redbull drink (not the shots) that I call 'liquid cocaine'... only because after you drink 4 glasses of it (roughly 20+ shots), it has the same effects (minus the runny nose) as cocaine. I haven't had one in 4 years... but I did have a bottle of Jager one summer recently that ended with me and some dutch chick on a balcony at 3 am making way too much noise. Fun times.

Can't say this contest has had the same effect, but it's close... had some crazy 40-year old chick that was into me being 'good with my hands'. Can't wait until the next contest to see what it brings. Cheers guys! :cheers :D :cheers yea, double fist it!
woohooo can't wait.
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