Amt/Erlt Millennium Falcon rebuild ( ANH 5' Version)


Sr Member
This is my first post of my work on this forum.

Its the AMT/ERTL Millennium Falcon, rebuilt as the ANH 5 foot original model. I have rebuilt the majority of the detail, including the side walls, cockpit, engine deck, docking bays etc. The main hull is prety much all I kept.

I started this a few years ago as my first ever model, and if I get it finished it will be my first finished model as well LOL.

As I progressed with the falcon I learnt much from forums such as this, and had intended to rework many early work I had done, as I believe I can now do it better. But as this was always intended for my son, who demands his Falcon before he becomes old enough to leave home,I decided to just finish the thing off and start a new one when I am done.

As I finish it off, any suggestions on adjustment to my next attempt at an ANH Falcon would be appreciated.

Here are a few pics of were I am up to.









I have 4 of these kits still in boxes. One of these days I'll get a nice resin upgrade set for them.

Looks like you're off to a hell of a start. I'm looking forward to some update pics.
I have 4 of these kits still in boxes. One of these days I'll get a nice resin upgrade set for them.

Looks like you're off to a hell of a start. I'm looking forward to some update pics.

Thanks James,

I am hoping to make casts of my 5 foot detail next time up, so I can make a few of them for friends. If it works out, Ill send you a copy.

The hardest part to make was the wankel rotary engine.

Here is a pic when I was building the parts



Utterly outstanding!!!
I'm in the process of starting my Falcon upgrade, but if you're willing to supply upgrade parts, i'd rather have yours!!!

Awesome work.

Glad to see you back and into it again, Ozzy

Thanks Reckless, I just hope real life dont get in the way again, LOL. Family and such has been all consumming over the last year or so.

clancampbell, I do intend to make these parts available, but as to when I would have them done is an unknown. Apart from remaking some of the more detailed parts, I have to learn how to cast these things.

I would like to be able to cast the cocpit canopy and docking bay parts as well. But I dont think I am capable of that degree of casting.

In any case I doubt I would have anything to offer till the end of the year.

I dont want to slow your build up while waiting for me. I have been known to not get things done. LOL

This is fantastic! The proportions on the cockpit and "escape pod/ docking rings are great". Please keep me in your "friends" list if you get to making some parts, my Deathstar docking bay diorama could use the correct Falcon!!!
I thought about using the hull of the old MPC kit and the detail parts from the finemolds falcon, but that dosent help with the cockpit and hallway tube that you have so nicely made.

What a fantastic job.
You're outdoing yourself again! It looks truly fantastic! there are few things that you might want to look at but overall its a SERIOUS improvement!

Since you asked for constructive criticism I'll offer a few things.

The Radar dish - since you've upgraded all around it its looks a litte sparse and dinky... I can't put my finger on whats wrong, but it just looks "off" like the superstructure is too large for the dish... or it's sitting up to high (bottom of the base)... Something.

The Engine "exhaust"... On the real 5 footer this is just a strip no "louvers" or anything. For my money I'd either light it or place a strip there with white reflective tape. but that's just a personal preference.

I tried to go part for part along the engine deck but the shot you have is a little too far away for me to make a great compare - at a distance it looks fantastic! I know of a part that is from a Leopard tank (rear quarter panel vent looking thingy...) that is an exact match on the 5 footer - a 1/72 version would probably be just about perfect for this... I'll email you the picture.

In the spirit of constructive criticism - I looked for stuff to complain about on the side panels - while its not "exact" for a anal rivet counter - its REALLY close - close enough that you'd have to be pretty much a jerk to find fault with this being 1/8 scale of the original... So I'm NOT going to go there and wnat to congratulate you on a really fine, fine, job replicating a TON of tiny parts! If you do cast them I'd LOVE a set.

Jedi Dade
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Hi Kelly, I love your Death star hangar bay, diarama. I promise mate, If I ever get these parts made (I may just make the main parts, not the whole side wall) I will let you know.

I may have to ask for help when it comes to the cocpit canopy though.

Thanks JD, This falcon is going to finished as is, but all constructive criticism will be directed into the next falcon. This one has realy been my apprenticeship into the model building world. There is everything from buttons to nail gun straps on this thing, anything I could find that had a simular shape or property to what I saw on the falcon. (I have all your reference photos).

I think you are correct about the radar dish, I scaled the dish down itself, but did not do the same with the other parts. It does need to sit lower, and the centre domes are tooooo big as well. I think lowering it and putting a rim on the dish may correct this.

Although I did wish to stay faithfull to the ANH falcon, I have to admit I liked the idea of the fine molds falcon engine grill. I have convinced myself that the flat glow of light seen in the movies with the ANH 5' falcon obscured the detail of the engine jets and the grill. Well thats the story I am stiking to, lol.




Here are a few closer pics and some build pics of the detail. when I started all I was hoping for was to replicate the shapes and simulate as best I could. It soon changed as I got frustraited at not being able to do it exactly. LOL. So I did my best with the limited skills and materials I had available. Thats why I believe I can do it beter the second time.


Real 5 foot falcon

More detail









Another build pic

The engine deck!! is my least detailed area. The next falcon, I will be sanding it back to nothing and starting from scratch. I found clothing press studs make for great porche four spoke wheel rims, lol.

All crtiticism is usefull, keep it comming.
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The final light tests worked out ok. I used an old power board from a DVD player. It had 12v 6v 3v etc. So it covered all the requirements.






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Dude...That is some incredible work there! You must have the patience of a saint to scratch some of those parts :eek I can't wait to see it finished. Please keep us posted on the progress!
Dude you're not giving yourself enough credit...

If you're doing it all over again from scratch - go find a 144 scale panzer from Dragon You'll need at least 3 (4 if you're crazy) of them so some casting supplies are in order.

You'll also want several 1/72 tank kits... the matilda I think was the "base" for the rear quarter panel side walls on the ESB falcon... both sides... Not the same I know but I'd bet a lot of money that the greeblies you'll need (or reasonable facsimilies) can be found in those kits. You should alos check out my MoM pics of the 5 footer at

I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with thats "better" then this one (y)love

Jedi Dade
Thanks guys for you comments and encouragement.

I will be working on the plating around the Dockping bays on the weekend, and then move on to finishing the lines between my parts and the original AMT/ERTL parts. A bit of fill and sand.

JD, I have a long parts list for the 5 foot falcon that I have "leached" from many many forums. Not much for purchasing these kits but more for reference from the original parts.

But I would not have a clue what scale the originals were and what scale i would need for the AMT/Ertl falcon. I do howerver have a few (two or three) kit pieces that would maybe be the right size for detail that I have had trouble scratching.

I will check out the above kits and see if they may be usefull. Any other suggestions are appreciated.

Thanks guys

Basically if you have a list of whats on the 5 footer find a similar subject in 1/4 the scale (or close) and you'r egoing ot be pretty successful that's what I brought up the 144 dragon model

5 footer used 1/35 panzer on the rear engine deck, the 32" used a 1/72, the ERTL "should be" about 144. indeed when I got that little model cast it and cut it up it was a darn close match - certainly acceptable for this...

Jedi Dade
Cool. This certainly will serve as inspiration for when I finally get around to building up my MPC/Ertl Falcon. Thanks for posting the info and pics.
Awesome work. I love all the interior details in the gunner station and the cockpit. You've reaily gone all out. Your kid should love it. Can I be your kid????

Dave :)
That is fantastic work!!! The interior paint jobs are just jaw dropping!! Keep up this great work. Makes me want to go get another of this kits and have a go. I had one a long while back but never ever finished it.

Looking forward to more photos......

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