Revisiting my First (and unfinished) Pep Build


New Member
Sloppy. I wished i had done a better job and probably more research before I dove into this project.

I pepped it out, glassed it and splatted some body filler on it and this was the result. I started this around the time bvs was released and the hype around the movie got me going. However, i started to lose interest when it didn't look like it was going to get better.


Firstly, the file i got was separated into two pieces. The lower bottom part of the helemt was a separate piece and i didnt see any other way for them to connect to each other so i patched it up with a lot of cardstock and masking tape only to find out this would be a pain to glass. It was too late to remove so i did a sloppy job of cutting tjat part off with a dremel.


Secondly, the file was geometric. (Probably the reason why i chose that free file over the detailed and difficult files that were to be purchased). After glassing, i went straight to the body filler stage, only to find out how much work i had to put in to get it to look good, and not geometric.




Thirdly, i didnt pay much attentiom to detail. It was late that i found out some parts of the helmet werent glassed, and were starting to warp because i was wet sanding the helmet in hopes of getting a good finish. So i had to go over multiple spots and place fiberglass mesh. Note: i just found more spots that i had initially missed. If i were to continue this build, i's probably just glass it on the outside because it seems easier that way.



Now, i don't know whether i should try and salvage this piece or just make another one. Opinions would be appreciated. Thanks!
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