The Predator (New Sequel)

One with a keen eye would note there is more than one Predator in this trailer. It’s hard to tell as they’re all wearing the same bio helmet. Yep. No individuality or cool designs this time...
You can also see quite a bit of damage to one of the suits paintjob. :lol
I it just me or did anyone else get a vibe that one of the predators is female? The one that jumps down on a guard to be exact.
It basically looks like Shane Black took his "Iron Man 3" script and replaced Tony with added Predator. I generally loath any kids in a sci fi movie and for some moments thought I'd clicked on the wrong trailer link. I cannot believe anybody, particularly the writer of the first and best Predator movie could possibly think his target audience and fanbase would appreciate this. This isn't going to go the way you think. And then some.
"Hybridization"?! It just goes back to the whole tread in Hollywood of explaining things that don't need explaining. Do we need to know how the Aliens (Xenomorphs) where created? No. Do need Han Solo's origin story? No. Do we need to have the Predator do anything other than relentlessly hunt people down? No. I want to trust Shane Black but yeah the second they say "hybridization," you can't help but roll your eyes.

Yeah...this looks like ****
Predator's insane but not sure about this one hey. Halloween costumes and a small child activating the Predator beacon? Nah. Olivia Munn though more like Olivia Yum, haha.​
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Yup, i too had strong AVP:R feelings......

When i figured out the kid was controlling the ship with the little doo-dad he's playing with...i just went...."....UGHHHhhh".....

With the kid and all and such a ridiculous set up it looks like a parody. If this was a comedy it would make sense.

Pretty much a warning ad to not go near this thing ever.
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