Planet Explorer

You come up with so many great ideas with your models that seem so obvious in hindsight. I seriously envy your creativity.
That colored plastic for the screen thing works so well. I know how hard it can be to scribe something with a needle...near impossible to get it just right.
I can't believe how well that works - that looks grea

Thank you Mike-san, Im really happy to hear that.

Wow, great idea katsu :thumbsup
Thanks, looks it might work

Looking forward to another one of your great builds!!!
You come up with so many great ideas with your models that seem so obvious in hindsight. I seriously envy your creativity.
Hi,Tom-san. It took many hours thongh. ;D

That colored plastic for the screen thing works so well. I know how hard it can be to scribe something with a needle...near impossible to get it just right.

Thank you very muchfor your kind words, JediMichael-san.

How did I miss this! So glad I saw it. Now I can come back every day and stare in wonder at your brilliant creations!
Hi, MoleRat-san!
Thanks for looking . It will be a slow progress but I'm enjoying every part of the build.
Not much but here's a little progress.
I've been thinking about making a canopy. Since I need to give it a sharpness and good clarlity, the plexiglass would be the best material. So the vacuforming is not the appropriate way at this time.
So I tried like this.

I made a canopy shape with a foamplastic.

I think it's a good sized one for this vehicle.

Then I trace each facets with a transparent sheet down to the sheet plastic.
This will be the templates for cutting the plexiglass.

Then I cut the plexigrass with this templates. Put the masking tape not to harm the surface.

The thickness of the glass is 1.5mm. Then I cut the 2mm thick plastic sheet
with 2mm width to make window frames.

This was easy than I thought.

It may need a little trimming to build them up and the foam plastic shape will be the good base when I build up.

Thanks for looking. :D
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Katsu, just make the entire canopy out of plex and box in the windows after. it will be stronger and easier that way. then you can just use strip styrene for the window moldings and should be alot easier.
Katsu San,

I wish you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year

Its great to see you back at the bench my friend.

I will be following with great interest.

Definately subscribed

Very ambitious. And meticulous.

Katsu, just make the entire canopy out of plex and box in the windows after. it will be stronger and easier that way. then you can just use strip styrene for the window moldings and should be alot easier.

Thank you, Mike.J-san and Al -san .
This will be a bit risky way to build as Al-san saying.
I thought about to build the entire canopy only with a plexy. However I wanted to make those frames flat with the window surface. So, I took this way. If I failed this way, I should take the way Al-san suggesting me.
Thank both of you very much.
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Katsu San,

I wish you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year

Its great to see you back at the bench my friend.

I will be following with great interest.

Definately subscribed


Thank you for subscribing, Gag-san.
I really appreciate your walm words.
It is my great pleasure to share my build with you again.
All the best,
Great start, looking forward to another one of your amazing builds.

Katsu-San, I learn so much about modeling by watching your threads! Thank You.

Thank you very much, SpaceAce-san and MoleRat-san.
The shapes of the entire vehicle is still varguely in my mind.
I haven't even decided wheather I should use wheels or tracks ( or both ?)

I guess you'll think it' s funny that I started to build without a fixed plan or images but I think this is the one another way to enjoy building. :p So, your advice will be appreciated !
I'm going to draw some more schetch. :D