Rodger Young Blueprints?


New Member
Hey Gang,

Wondering if anyone knows of or has fairly accurate blueprints for the Rodger Young from Starship Troopers. Don't have to be super-detailed, just accurately proportioned. There's a few studio model shots out there, but I'm looking for plan views, specifically.

I have the Fed Models kit which was a cleaned-up version from a studio miniature, which is also a good reference.

Any information would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance.
there are no plans that i know of but a huge paper model is available for download. not very detailed though. just a structure and a general paint job.


Starship Troopers Papercraft - Rodger Young
Wow - that's cool!

I don't know about the proportions, but it looks nice. Migt be a good place to start.

Thanks for posting it!