Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (DICE)

Once again visually stunning! I hope the game itself is more rich than the effort they put into the first BF and the lacking of any soul to it. I couldn't believe how fast I got bored with the game.

They nail the look, but they need to give it some heart this time or else it's just another beautiful-looking piece of garbage.

I WANT this to be great!
I was entertained for awhile with Battlefront until the last few DLC releases. I hated how the forced you into fighter squadron
I ended up enjoying Battlefront in spite of its shortcomings, but I also got the game and the season pass for maybe $50 total. So, in essence, I paid $50 for the "full" game, and only had to wait on delivery of the last parts.

That said, I think that the final two DLC were...lackluster at best. The map design continues to suffer from a tendency towards extreme one-sidedness, and I still loathe the hamster-wheel/Skinner box approach to DICE's game design. I do not care about unlocking crap. Just give me the tools with which to play and trust that your game is fun enough that I'll enjoy playing it. Make stuff achievements if you want, but don't lock content away. To this day, there are things I've never used and never will simply because of a Hutt Contract I didn't complete. That SUCKS.

I think the ultimate design of the final two DLC could've been a lot better. And in any future game, they need to move away from this "playlist" crap and include the ability to customize your OWN playlist whereby you will only play the maps you want to play, and the game will shuffle you into those matches.

Lastly: the full MP game should be playable against bots offline. I hate how they lock away the DLC from skirmish mode. That's essentially content I paid for that I'll never be able to play whenever they finally take their servers down or the servers die out from lack of players.
someone should fix the title though, Battlefront 4.I'm guessing it'll be another great looking soul-less experience
I bought the first game week after its release but haven't played it till recently. Personally I think it's quite good shooter but not really a Battlefront in my opinion. I really enjoy looking through the assets and exploring the maps since they are quite close to real deal.

As for the new game I really love that they are finally including singleplayer campaign plus include long awaited Clone Wars era in there. Visually of course it is perfect (I daresay TFA did not look much better in terms of ship animation and rendering) and the recreations of our favourite (and not as favourite) planets are also spot on. I hope they will introduce some more rare (to our community) blasters and other stuff that they can find in the Archives so we can export the models from the game and have very good idea of how it looks like.

Definitely not preordering but that doesn't mean I won't buy it when it's released. For now let's hope it's good. I am more awaiting game that is being developed by Visceral to be honest but it can very well change.

And by the way, since the original Vimeo link is dead here's someone's reuploud from Youtube -
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I think the trailer looks pretty good! I'm interested in what changes they'll make
I recommend you guys, to watch the Battlefront panel from SW Celebration. They really explain in detail what they added to the game.

I STILL havn't gotten around to playing battle front.

are these story based games, or mini game type things?
To be honest first one was more of a demo of the second one. It was only multiplayer (no story).
These trailers don't do anything to tell you about the game. Cinematics are pretty, but don't tell you if it's going to be a good game. I want to hear that they hopefully changed the game mechanics closer to Battlefield so that it has some substance beyond hold down the button until the other person dies.
Female protagonist. Call me what you want, but I thought the point of the Empire, originally, was that it wasn't diverse.

It looks pretty, but yes, I hope the game play is much improved. Would be nice to go from foot, to ship like you could in the original Battlefront II. That was probably my favorite aspect of that game. Flying into space and boarding the enemy ship was great fun.
Wow, no season pass, single player campaign will be cannon, and we get all eras with clones. Hitting the right notes for me.
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These trailers don't do anything to tell you about the game. Cinematics are pretty, but don't tell you if it's going to be a good game. I want to hear that they hopefully changed the game mechanics closer to Battlefield so that it has some substance beyond hold down the button until the other person dies.
That is the reason why I recommended to watch their panel.

There will be classes for multiplayer, no season pass, upgradeable classes, heroes and ships, customization. The campaign will span over 30 years till the creation of the First Order (you will be able to play both as Luke and as Kylo in some points of the story). There will be not only old planets from films/animated series but also planets from novels, and new never mentioned before worlds.

Not to mention the blasters will also be from all Star Wars media. We already have confirmation of weapons such as Blurrg-1120, FWMB-10, CR-2, A280-CFE, F-11D, SE-44C, E-11, DLT-20A and DH-17.

I am also quite sure that in the campaign we'll be able to take a part in legendary Battle of Jakku that basically ended the War.

- - - Updated - - -

Female protagonist. Call me what you want, but I thought the point of the Empire, originally, was that it wasn't diverse.

It looks pretty, but yes, I hope the game play is much improved. Would be nice to go from foot, to ship like you could in the original Battlefront II. That was probably my favorite aspect of that game. Flying into space and boarding the enemy ship was great fun.
As far as I know it will be in the game ;) They showed a concept art in the hangar (in space).
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Female protagonist. Call me what you want, but I thought the point of the Empire, originally, was that it wasn't diverse.

It looks pretty, but yes, I hope the game play is much improved. Would be nice to go from foot, to ship like you could in the original Battlefront II. That was probably my favorite aspect of that game. Flying into space and boarding the enemy ship was great fun.

I *think* that the whole male only thing was made up in the old EU. I may be wrong though. I'm all for female characters, but now everything is having a female character. We get it. There has been a male centric gaming and movie environment for years, but let's try to switch on and off a little. We don't need 30 straight movies/games with female leads. There are still male gamers. I have no problem playing a female character, but I'm a guy and want to play a guy in my game if I have a choice.
I *think* that the whole male only thing was made up in the old EU. I may be wrong though. I'm all for female characters, but now everything is having a female character. We get it. There has been a male centric gaming and movie environment for years, but let's try to switch on and off a little. We don't need 30 straight movies/games with female leads. There are still male gamers. I have no problem playing a female character, but I'm a guy and want to play a guy in my game if I have a choice.

How come people don't jump on you for saying this? :), .?

Personally, I don't mind if it's a guy or a girl. I just want it to be what it needs to be for the right reasons.

I got used to female characters as a young kid with samus arron. never really was a problem for me. but female lead after female lead after female lead, you can't tell me there isn't a concerted effort here ;o).

As for the Old EU, I THINK it was stated in the books that the emperor was spiciest and sexist at most. i don't think they limited it to race. but i DO remember those two being brought up that there where no women or aliens in the army. Thrawn and Admiral Dala (being the love interest of tarkin) where the only two exceptions that i can remember. that's who i thought this lady commander was in rebels until they mentioned a name.
The changes sound encouraging. I'm still reserving judgment until the reviews come in AND people have had several months to digest what went wrong. DICE always -- ALWAYS -- screws things up and fixes them "in post." So, I'll be waiting to see what got screwed up here.
I haven't seen or heard a lot of talk about the Rogue One VR mission in Battlefront, but I personally would LOVE to see more VR missions. That was one of, if not THE most special experiences I've ever had in a video game. Sitting in an X-Wing cockpit, flying in space, shooting down TIE fighters was AMAZING in VR. My buddy and I were talking about how we would love to see a full Star Wars VR game with just recreated battles from the OT. The trench run (yes you can turn on and off your targeting computer in the X-wing and it's awesome), snow speeders taking out AT-ATs, speeder bikes (just hold the motion controllers sideways like speeder handlebars), etc.
I just think this is a seriously underrated technology that they should seriously take full advantage of.
Hell the first time I played the RO VR mission, I sat in the X-Wing cockpit for a good 30 minutes just looking around, pushing all the buttons, opening and closing the wings, and looking back at R2 before I even started the actual game.