Actors - Separating personal from professional...

I was a huge fan of Amy Schumer’s TV show. I thought there was a lot of genius work and things being said— then you look at her solo work and her book and you realize most of the gold on her show came from her writers— people like Tig Nataro, Jessi Klien, Tami Sagher, and many more.

Yeah, I did love the show. There was an interview with her talking about how much her and her sister loved to steal. I think they meant shoplifting.
I'm one of those people your family jokes about. lol

My unsubstantiated reason for disliking Cruise is not that he is good looking. It's that in the recent movies I've seen of his, he plays the same character. It makes me think it's all he's doing now. And I don't think they're "really awesome" movies either. I'm tired of seeing his face as I am tired of seeing a bunch of other actors'. Cruise has been around for almost 40 years now. People still herald such actors as something I just don't think they still are anymore. So I just avoid their movies altogether.

I don't think it's self punishing. I liked his movies once; not anymore. It's just that simple now.
I've been pretty much done with Johnny Depp since he stopped being cool and became a cartoon,
but that drunk temper tantrum vid sealed the deal for me. What a dick.
He also has an attitude of superiority that really rubs me the wrong way.
Dude, you're a cartoon. Nobody but you takes you seriously.
Did you see the clip where Amy Schumer went on Ellen and used a joke that was actually stolen from Ellen? Priceless. Ellen did a popcorn joke in her set years before and Amy is sitting right in front of Ellen and proceeds to use the popcorn joke to Ellen.
I loved Schumer until the joke stealing.

12 angry men inside Amy Schumer is brilliant.

But now....I just can't
The last really awesome movie Cruise did was Live, Die, Repeat/Edge of Tomorrow.
Loved him in this movie. He starts out as a fratboy douchbag and you see him change. Sniveling coward to badass. "Where's your helmet?" "I don't wear one, it's a distraction"
Oblivion is one of my favorite movies. I just with it had a happier ending with him living in his sky condo with both women;)
amy.jpg is understandable but as I said, "self-punishing".

Hey J,

This is a really interesting topic. :)

I dont think it's "self punishing". Yes, Bill Cosby was very entertaining and he was able to make us all laugh. But... Each and every one of us live by a certain morale code. Each of those codes is uniquely different and range from one extreme to another depending on each and every person. What I might find offensive someone else might find funny and allowable behavior. The hardest thing any one person can do is NOT offend another whether it be through a movie role or personal action. That moral code does have a limit and there is only so much "questionable behavior" any one person can take before they decide to take a step back.

When actors behave a certain way they run the risk of alienating a small or large portion of their audience. If we choose to ignore "bad / questionable behavior" we are, in some ways, allowing that behavior to go unpunished therefore making it OK. I would rather take the morale high ground and do what's right than simply ignore questionable behavior. For celebrities, they get hit right in the pocket book! In our personal lives, we decide who and who we dont want to associate with.

Hope that makes sense? :)
For the most part if an actor does their job well and goes home, Ill probably go see their next show. But when they drink their own kool aid and become self elected experts. Bye Felicia.

Amy Schumer might have been funny in the early days....but she didnt have the steam to keep going or pay better writers.
For the most part if an actor does their job well and goes home, Ill probably go see their next show. But when they drink their own kool aid and become self elected experts. Bye Felicia.

That is exactly right! Just because someone can remember a bunch of lines and look good on camera doesn't automatically, generally speaking, make them an expert in whatever it is they happen to be supporting, nor is their opinion correct. An opinion is an opinion. Its not right or wrong.
Being a right thinker and lifetime NRA member I'd have to boycott most of Hollyweird. LOL
So I already grandly put aside my differences to watch a great deal.
I appreciate when entertainers realize they are entertainers and don't want to
alienate half their audience that butters their bread. If they are upfront about it
fine, I'll skip. Some go to comedy shows to laugh, not get lectured or given a bunch
of humor that is only fueled by sharing the same political beliefs.

There are people that crossed the line with me years ago and I will not pay a dime
to see whatever they do though. That list is somewhat short.

A few musical entertainers said things so extreme I put their CDs in the microwave.
Never again.

There are a rare few I will swallow my revulsion in rare special occasions due to what
is epic subject matter to me.
Interstellar and The Martian had Damon in it. Well I love those movies.

There are some I love their old work, will forever consume as it part of my life growing
up it but due to recent douchery I will never put money in their pockets again.

Sometimes you can't separate the actor from the character as they publicly defined themselves
more by their own importance and activism then actual entertainment product, using their
Hollywood fame as a soapbox, which is often amplified by sympathetic media.

In other words, they get provided a big megaphone because they were in a movie and famous and us mere
citizens get jack.

Last thought, even on the smaller level jobs far from the camera, you don't tow the line or shut up about disagreeing, you can find yourself
shouted down or with no work, that's from my insider from many many TV shows you would know the names of.

I suspect some will be vocal or show support about whatever the prevailing Hollywood wind is to keep a career moving.
Success at any cost.
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