Bat logo with paint drips (Red Hood)


Active Member
Hey everyone.

I'm looking to do a Red Hood costume and was thinking about painting the red bat logo onto the chest (using motorcycle armour) instead of using a stick on one. I kind of want to go for a homemade feel to it so would like there to be some paint drips coming down off the logo. Does anyone have any experience with this or any ideas of the best way to do it? I can't decide if I should map out the "drips" when I'm taping off the logo for painting so they are filled in at the same time or just paint it and then maybe apply some more paint afterwards to let drip down organically.

Are you going to use spray paint and a stencil or paint it by hand?

Either way, getting runs and drips isn't hard. Just use too much paint and they will form naturally. You should practice on a couple of test pieces to get a feel for how much is just enough and how much is too much. Also, if there are any specific places you want a drip you can practice that too.
Are you going to use spray paint and a stencil or paint it by hand?

Either way, getting runs and drips isn't hard. Just use too much paint and they will form naturally. You should practice on a couple of test pieces to get a feel for how much is just enough and how much is too much. Also, if there are any specific places you want a drip you can practice that too.

Thanks. That's a good point about testing first actually, you'd think that would have occurred to me!

I'm gonna be using spray paint with a primer first so its not just red directly onto black. I guess the problem there is that the drips will running down the black armour rather than the primer so will end up a darker shade.
I've done something similar on a few different pieces, Red Hood is my main cosplay, id suggest getting a stencil (make one out of a sheet of thick plastic) and trying it a few times. for the drip id go for extra paint,,

as the character (Jason) he wouldnt care about it matching and would probably just stencil it in like 2 layers of paint and go for it...
Done myself a quick mock up stencil template with drips attached. What do you guys think? The OCD side of my brain is driving me nuts with the drips not being symmetrical despite the fact that they never would be! lol

Ok then thats the stencil created. Now I've just got to wait for the motorbike armour to arrive so I can paint it on!



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Stenciling with drips in the stencil could get weird if you're going to user primer first since they're so thin...that stencil will need to be laid pretty perfectly for every spray or you'll see the primer on the edges. I would recommend stenciling the main logo and hand painting your drips if you're worried about just adding more paint and using gravity.

Also, if you're planning to weather the armor, I recommend doing your main chest piece first without the logo and then weather the logo to match once it's on. I tried putting my logo on first and screwed up my weathering, which made me have to redo the logo altogether. Just a lesson learned from a newbie myself!
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This is going to be my problem. With it being motorbike armour its pretty bumpy on the chest which will not give the smoothest surface to paint on! It also makes it quite hard to run tests as I don't really have anything else with a similar surface.

The thing is as its supposed to look homemade I'm not too bothered about the bat coming out a bit iffy, I just need to make sure it is still recognisable.

You know what, despite this not looking as crisp around the edges as I originally pictured in my head I'm actually quite happy with it. It definitely gives the more homemade look I wanted and is still recognisable as a red bat logo. Only shame is that at the top and bottom (you cant see it as well in this photos framing) the spray paint did travel a bit so the armour is going to need cleaning a bit.
The armour never really worked out how I wanted so this photo doesn't show a lot of it but I figured as my Red Hood helmet from TigerstoneFX arrived today I'd let you guys see how it turned out.

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