Help: attaching silicone to fabric?


Active Member
What type of adhesive should I use to attach Dragon Skin silicone to fabric?

I'm working on a costume project and need to attach silicone wrist straps to a nylon jacket; I've tried glue, hot glue, gorilla glue, and E6000, but they all simply wipe off of the silicone.
I didn't make the silicone wrist straps so I don't have any in stock.

I've been suggested to use silicone caulk or window sealer. Any suggestions on which brand(s) or which brand(s) to avoid?
Clear silicone window adhesive would be my choice. it will bond to your existing silicone and when worked in to the fabric, should lock on to the fabric texture for a pretty good bond.
Aquarium repair silicone is 100% silicone and will bond to dragon skin, I've used it many times and it holds great. Most big stores that have a pet department carry it. Be aware that most Home Depot type caulk silicone have additives to make them accept paint, those may cause problems with adhesion.
Clear silicone window adhesive would be my choice. it will bond to your existing silicone and when worked in to the fabric, should lock on to the fabric texture for a pretty good bond.

Aquarium repair silicone is 100% silicone and will bond to dragon skin, I've used it many times and it holds great. Most big stores that have a pet department carry it. Be aware that most Home Depot type caulk silicone have additives to make them accept paint, those may cause problems with adhesion.

Thanks for the input!

I took the advice from this thread and purchased GE silicone; my jacket is currently curing; I'll be looking into aquarium repair silicone once I run out of my current stock. I'll provide an update once everything is settled.
I would like to bond a silicone cooking mat to fabric (as back spider for my S-Man suit)
U guys think it will work with more silicone also as GE Silicone II

No - not silicone II.

That's Diet Silicone for lack of a better description. Silicone I (very stinky) is your best bet, and it's useful for more than just caulking and gluing a spider to your back.

Search out these terms: silicone I, naptha, acrylic paint, talc and you can see how useful a $3 tube can be. Poor man's miracle compound...
What type of adhesive should I use to attach Dragon Skin silicone to fabric?

I'm working on a costume project and need to attach silicone wrist straps to a nylon jacket; I've tried glue, hot glue, gorilla glue, and E6000, but they all simply wipe off of the silicone.

This thread is probably over but I wanted to post my fix to attaching my Silicone mask to a Wig fabric. I tried all of the suggested products but only one product worked, it’s not perfect but it bonded within 60 seconds. The product is called Loctite- 60 second universal glue. It can be purchased at Home Depot. Go luck to all working on your Cosplay or costume projects.
This thread is probably over but I wanted to post my fix to attaching my Silicone mask to a Wig fabric. I tried all of the suggested products but only one product worked, it’s not perfect but it bonded within 60 seconds. The product is called Loctite- 60 second universal glue. It can be purchased at Home Depot. Go luck to all working on your Cosplay or costume projects.

When I needed to attached Dragon Skin emblems to a pair of Chuck's I used Sil-poxy from Smooth-On. Worked perfectly. So well, the big problem was actually getting the Chuck's logo off the Chuck's.


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