One day builds - giant cardboard camera and clapperboard.


Active Member
Hopefully I'm posting in the right section.

Made a scaled up (5:1) camera as a leaving present for a friend, and my GF made him a scaled up (3:1 I think) clapperboard.

Not quite as refined as most of the work here but still kinda fun to make - I really wanted to make some more accurate details for the camera but I was up against a pretty tight dealine, by the time we decided what we should make him, we literally had one day to do it!

Anyway, here are some photos.


  • clapperboard.jpg
    440.7 KB · Views: 244
  • ilovevermin1.jpg
    165.3 KB · Views: 604
  • ilovevermin3.jpg
    361.7 KB · Views: 346
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