Newbie's Vader Helmet


Active Member
First...Credit goes to JFcustom for the helmet files, thanks for sharing.
Second..The finish piece will not be a replica of the star wars movie, so apologies to the hardcore vader fans.

20160422_214820.jpgCheck out the creeper underneath the table
20160427_210317.jpg 1st Bondo layer

20160501_153037.jpg Sanding and 2nd layer of Bondo

20160428_211354.jpg Test fitting

20160427_210322.jpg 20160427_210329.jpg 20160501_153022.jpg 20160508_221053.jpg 20160508_221058.jpg Realized how much i hate sanding

20160508_221105.jpg had to expand the width due to ID being a tad narrow for fitment of face, and modify the arches around the top of eyes for an evil look.

20160508_221125.jpg Quick test fit of the wider top portion.
20160515_212954.jpg added the side jaws

20160515_213003.jpg Opted to have spike shapes for Newbie's custom look

20160519_205551.jpg bondo patching the smaller areas plus test fit the chrome Gothic spikes


20160521_183310.jpg 1st coat of paint
Couldn't have said it better myself Chaim! I have a boba fett bucket thats been sitting around for nine months still needing to be sanded and bondoed repeatedly. I guess my ADD can't handle it lol!

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20160524_202012.jpg Cutting off a pair of threaded allen bolts for the gothic spikes,

20160524_203736.jpg 20160524_203701.jpg

20160524_203640.jpg recycled an old pair of sunglasses and dremel cut/sand down to size of eyes for the vader

20160524_202110.jpg 20160524_202058.jpg Custom cut-outs of flames and paint, one for red and other black with red base coat.

The final product:

20160524_210918.jpg 20160524_210937.jpg

2.png 20160524_210800.jpg Puppy didnt want to try the vader helmet.
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