Christmas Vacation - Clark's Pool Model Completed

Re: Christmas Vacation Prop Project

Freaking awesome. I'd love to know the story around the original prop.

Re: Christmas Vacation Prop Project

That is awesome. Now, just need the advent calendar that they use for all the cut screens.
Re: Christmas Vacation Prop Project

Ladies and germs.........Rob is back and blazing a Prop Trail!

Welcome home!!!

I suppose its been awhile since I've started anything new!

Not much progress last night. Just closed the seams on the pool bottom and painted it white.

Cant decide if I want to use teh "water" plastic, or just smooth lexan.

The "water" has the interesting texture, which masks imperfections in teh ool bottom, but it is really hard to even see the bottom with how the light plays off the texture surface.

The lexan isclear but has a clear blue protective film on both sides that is a perfect blue. But it almost too clear, and some imperfections (glue blobs, etc.) in the pool bottom can be seen...

So I'm going back and forth on it.

I think the opriginal prop has a bit of water texture. What do you think?
Re: Christmas Vacation Prop Project

That is awesome. Now, just need the advent calendar that they use for all the cut screens.

Next year for sure. Or sooner!

Freaking awesome. I'd love to know the story around the original prop.

I'm guessing thrown together quickly for the film. Doubt it was a found item, though I suppose it could be. But they just needed a visual representation of Clark's issue with over-extending for the pool deposit. So the prop department probably just whipped this out.
Re: Christmas Vacation Prop Project

If the "water texture" lexan is textured on one side and smooth on the other just put the smooth side on top and the textured part "under water". This should give you the ripple effect without the glare.

You could also coat the clear blue lexan with a coat of elmers glue on the underside to make the ripple effect and cover the imperfections.
Re: Christmas Prop Project

Well it was bugging me - so I decided to fix the geometery.

I'm in the process of building a new "skirt" to fit around the progress I already have.

In other words, I'm cutting new side pieces that have the same size shroter edge, but are an inch longer on the longer edge (plus slightly taller). That that gives me a larger foot-print perimeter with the same center opening and thus makes the angles more shallow.

Not sure my geometry is dead on, but who cares...

I think the prop may have been a bit rectangualr.

Mine's square. And my angles are steeper.

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Re: Christmas Vacation Prop Project

Very cool project, great idea for a seasonally appropriate replica! Now I kinda want to build one myself for next Christmas. :lol

Re: Christmas Vacation Prop Project

I love it when people make a prop no one has ever thought of tackling. That's awesome.
Re: Christmas Vacation Prop Project

Another comp... I think I'm pretty close with the angles.


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Re: Christmas Vacation Prop Project

Grassing it up...

Got a wrinkle in there. Not sure yet the best way to correct it. I could slice it open, but then the opposite sides of the cut will overlap slightly. I hate physics.

Re: Christmas Vacation Prop Project

how about the grass sprinkles that model railroad folk use...paste on some glue and sprinkle the grass on?

nice project btw..
Re: Christmas Vacation Prop Project

I love it!

That miniature pool prop has always caught my attention in the movie. I just always loved scale models of anything.