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Professional Model and Prop builder with over 40 years experience providing custom build ups for clients all over the world.

My work featured in the following publications...

HOBBY MERCHANDISER Sept.2008(My 1/25 Moebius Space Pod build)

SCI FI AND FANTASY MODELER VOL 24.(My 1/35 Jupiter 2 build)

SCI FI AND FANTASY MODELER VOL 28(My 1/48 Proteus Build)

SCI FI AND FANTASY MODELER VOL 34(MY 1/48 Icarus builds)

SCI FI AND FANTASY MODELER VOL 40(My Moebius 1/350 Derelict build)

FINESCALE MODELER March 2013(My 1/72 Millennium Falcon in readers Gallery)

FINESCALE MODELER July 2015 (My 1/350 Enterprise build in Readers Gallery)

AMAZING FIGURE MODELER #57 (My Polar Lights C-57D build)

AMAZING FIGURE MODELER #63 (My Moebius 1/6 B9 Robot build)

My Moebius 1/35 Jupiter 2 is on the Actual Kit box,Lighting kit box and Instruction sheet for lighting kit(mini poster)

My Moebius 1/350 Derelict build is on the actual kit box as well as promotional material.

My 1/350 Original series Star Trek Enterprisewill have a page in the Star Trek "Ships of the Line" Calendar available around August/September of 2016. Through a collaborative effort with Jeff Summers from Media One Visual Arts(Jeff and I collaborated on my 1/35 Jupiter 2 image seen on the Moebius box and lighting kit box art) and because Doug Drexler (Academy Award winner, visual effects artist for Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and many others) , had the idea of using my practical Build up in a publication that usually employees CGI rendered Starships. Doug saw something in my build up that fueled the idea of using my actual build up in the Calendar.Jeff Summers put my build up in an image that is sure to fire the imagination. Both Jeff and I are honored to be Part of Star Trek's "Ships of the Line". Many, Many thanks to Doug Drexler.

A little update on my 1/350 Enterprise in "Ships of the line"...The photo composite illustration for the Star Trek Ships of the Line calendar was approved by CBS, but is being pushed back to the 2018 issue. CBS likes it, but they are dedicating the 2017 calendar to specific episode themes for the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek, so the Composite illustration using my 1/350 Enterprise build up will be delayed until the following year.

My 1/350 TOS Enterprise build was used on the Gold Key Star Trek Comics archives VOL 5.

You Tube videos can be seen here...