New profile posts

Hello. Hope all is well with you and yours. I've purchased a few of your Death Star panels prior. I shouldn't message you since I'm unsure if I'm in a position to begin buying more. My question is, are your tiles still available? Your posts here have deleted the photos. Just curious at this point, but I really want to get more if circumstances allow. Cheers, Jim
I am buying a screen used lightsaber from TLJ from heritage auctions and my trying to verify its authenticity. It appears the boards you made for Disney were “custom” so would be different than the ones generally sold to outside customers. Would it be possible for you to look at pictures of the electronics if I send them to you and let me know if they look like the custom ones you made for disney


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Hey, whatever happened to the model files for the Treasure Planet Map you were working on? Do you still have them? If so, would they be available for use as a VR prop item?
Hey, you wouldn't happen to still have the files for the Treasure Planet Map you were working on, were you? You mentioned in a forum thread that you were working on modifying the one by AustinHicks so you could print it in multiple pieces or something...

Question about the awesome conan headband you made. Are you selling those or doing commissions on them?

Hey Shonuff :)

I have just signed up to this website to specifically talk to you.. I found some of your stuff online and I was wondering if we could talk about it?
Looking to ask about techniques and to possible hire your talent for something..

I am glad to have found this website, it is actually rather cool so thank you for that also :)

Arty :)
May 23, 2024 and I think I'm on my last build. I want to make "The Mummy" and I saw a YouTube video on a neat build however? it was posted about 12 years ago and I have received NO response form the owner......Drop me a message if you've built a Mummy, I have a TON of questions!

Hey dude! Saw you did a repair on the grenade ring. The grenade you sold me awhile back finally succumbed to this so I'm looking at getting it repaired. Maybe we can work something out? Let me know!
You were asking about my TNG Mark IX Science and Mark X Medical tricorder electronics. That was a thread from last year I believe so the price has changed slightly.
The Mark IX Science tricorder electronics is $145US.
The Mark X Medical tricorder electronics is $165US.
Shipping is included in this price for US and Canada. International shipping is an additional $25US.

Hello. Are you open to selling your Sauron STL files? If so, please let me know. Thank you.
I have one of Mangy's TRI from last run. Was thinking of letting it go.
Can you share a photo? Price? Yes would love to hear more Pls.