Zemeckis was "way off" with BTTF 2


Sr Member
Anyone else catch this on the Daily What?

The Daily What


False Prediction of the Day: Oh, Back to the Future 2 — you were way off.

Michael J was a different age than Marty - 2015 is the date we need to wait for. I did find it odd that they landed in Hill Valley on OCT 21st 2015 and there were no Halloween decorations in any of the stores. Also, there were no mexicans to be seen -- in a town in southern California - does Zemeckis know something I don't - and what should I be looking out for? Maybe that law in Arizona catches on and gets way out of hand.

When I was younger I was looking forward to the flying cars and hover boards - now I'm hoping more for the rejuvination clinic Doc went to. Also wasn't there a pic in the USA TODAY newspaper that said something about Queen Diana visiting such and such? No cell phones, laptaps, but the whole JAWS IN 3D may come to pass.
Marty's life was a hard row to hoe, puts more years on you. (not that MJF's has been a piece of cake by any means).

Plus MJF probably dyes his hair and has image people.
I saw a guy with a pretty good future Marty costume and had the dual tie. can't be too hard. Thanks for sharing this thread. I like it.
"Older" Marty McFly really does look "too" old for his age; he looks like a man in his late sixties, not forties. :confused

Hey, it's just an improvement, like shaking the monitor when reading your comments, it makes them almost interesting.
I am editing my comments due to the fact that they may be offensive to others. As far as offensive to M.J.F.. I couldn't care less.
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I guess it is better to take the high road, and I apologize for the insensitive jokes about Michael.
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