yoda in the archives, is it cast from the original moulds


Sr Member
So i've been looking at the extras on the blu ray set, they have pics of a yoda statue in the archives, does that have anything to do with the original freeborn sculpt? apart from being a bit bright green it looks ok
No mate, it isn't original. It's the same one used in the prop tours and in the star wars to Indy book. Basically a resculpt based on Freeborn's, although an original might have been moulded or referenced in order to make it. That's what I've always believed about the piece, unless there is evidence to the contrary?
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cheers bud, i saw one that had some damage in the star wars london exhibition a few years ago, i don't think it was this one, you could see it deterioating by the ear, this one looks different.
looking online i found a pic of the yoda i remember seeing, this one

I don't know how long ago this was, but apart from a bit of deterioation it looks in good shape, then you have this guy who was on display in mom in uk

I don't know how long ago this was, but apart from a bit of deterioation it looks in good shape, then you have this guy who was on display in mom in uk

Holy &$%!

I don´t remember seeing that one there!!!

So Yoda really was a muppet ...

lol, i think this actually was a production made piece, the curl in the ears and the eyes coming away like that would indicate a mechanism inside which is coming apart, foam latex and metal parts, not a good mix
Any more pics from this exhibit? I'd like to get a good look at that cane.

Also I cant remember exactly but there was a thread on this Yoda, it is not screen used either, Freeborn made it as a display piece -someone posted pics of it being made.

Ah righto, i assumed as it had some sort of underskull in there it was a screen used piece, i found the pics online, i was only looking for yoda, probably more out there
Wow, there were a few items in the SW exhibit that said "reproduction." Since it does not say that under Yoda as you can see in the top pic, that would be disappointing if it wasn't original. All this time I thought it was.
Lol, sad thing is it wouldn't take much to fix that up, as it must be from original moulds if put together by stuart himself
Anyone got any info or pics on the one stuart put together?
Thats quite an old pic and its since deterinated quite a bit... However I know someone who might have it ;)