YODA bust


Well-Known Member
Last year I started sculpting yoda in some potteryclay.
Later I found out I could not bake it because I used marbles as eyes :unsure

So Yoda ended up in my closet..............then some real artist made another yoda sculpture and I had no longer interest in my own sculpture......
Recently I have be cleaning up some stuff and found out that the clay was actually
pretty hard. So I decided to paint it anyhow.

I only need to put some grey hairs on it but would like to get some feedback.
Any idea's what to use for hair???
The eyes are painted with brush the rest with airbrush and a little drybrushing on top :rolleyes

Any tips on what to use when I would sculpt another bust?
I only have a kitchenoven to work with and supersculpty is very hard to get in the Netherlands... :cry

Greeting from the Netherlands,




That does look like a young yoda....much much better than that Phantom Menace crap we were subjected to. That looked so bad in that film it hurt to watch it. He didn't even look related to Yoda..................but this looks like a young Yoda...

Well Done...

Dave :)
Originally posted by 7-11 Jedi@Mar 16 2006, 04:56 PM
This would be an absolutely GREAT base for a Yaddle.. 

You should look into it.


mmm, I do not know if this is possitive :p
with a young yoda I could live...
Yaddle ? No

Young Yoda ? BIG Yes ... That was the first that came to my mind. Maybe you might want to try and add a lightly coloured hair, dark might be too heavy, but something that says "I am young and energetic ." :p

give him a pony-tail and this is exactly what i would have envisioned padawan yoda to look like...
Or a young Master right after his Jedi Trials.

your sculpt is what the yoda in TPM should have looked like.
Wonderful job. :thumbsup

I agree with the young Yoda look and that is exactly what he should have looked like in TPM.
Please. Yoda was never a Padawan. He's always been the man. The Chief export of Yoda is pain. Yoda has two speeds, walk and kill.When Yoda does pushups, he isn't pushing himself up. He's pushing Dagobah down...

Originally posted by neosporing@Mar 16 2006, 02:04 PM
give him a pony-tail and this is exactly what i would have envisioned padawan yoda to look like...
              Or a young Master right after his Jedi Trials.

your sculpt is what the yoda in TPM should have looked like.

Awesome bust. I love it as young Yoda.
your sculpt is what the yoda in TPM should have looked like.

He thank all.. That is a nice compliment.
However I did not wanted to make a young Yoda so I failed :unsure
Next time I will needs some better refference photo's

And some other clay that sets sooner than one years.. :lol

Greetings from the Netherlands,

Originally posted by trooperprop@Mar 18 2006, 12:36 PM
However I did not wanted to make a young Yoda so I failed  :unsure
Well, sometimes a failure can turn out to be a unexpected bonus. Sometimes the work takes control and takes on a life of its own. You have unwillingly shown us all what Yoda would have looked like as a younger whatever species he is. :thumbsup
I certainly wouldn't call it a failure.....

You did a superb job of sculpting it. Yeah it may not look like the version you were shooting for but is is awesome nonethless.

I agree that it does make a perfect "young" yoda. This is something nobody has ever attempted .. to my knowledge. ..... he's only about 400 years old now ;)

seriously though.... great job...