Yoda and Mara Jade, Hardware Style!

wow very cool tips for makeing hardware sabers. Thanks for posting this

Thanks. I does what I can! I don't know why, but hardware sabers seem to have fallen out of fashion. Seems there's more threads nowadays about the latest super accurate Obi ANH part, than any custom jobs being done. :confused

Oh, well. To each his own.
Great sabers, and I'm with you on the lack of hardware sabers these days.

I'm Finally getting back to work on some of the hardware sabers I've had started, but not finished, setting around here. And it is a lot of fun. It can be so much cheaper, and I like having to come up with what I need out of found parts, or making it myself. Even if you fallow someone else's tutorial , I find it can be quite rewording, and you can always put your own twist on it, that makes it yours, and yours alone. And you know when you lay your saber down next to another replica of that same prop, you will always no witch one is yours right off, and not have to say "Um, my saber looks just like yours, and I can't tell witch is mine. "

Plus, it's something I think you can get friends, and family in on more, because a lot of people get scared off by the supper obsessed folks, that have to have every detail just like that one that was on screen for 2 seconds. (not that I can't be like that myself at times. :) )

I'm working on a Kyle, Vader ROTJ, Yoda, and a Mara, to name a few. Most of them have a ways to go, but they are all coming along.

Not actually a Mara Jade saber, but "inspired by". I had a brass sink drain flange, which led me to construct a gold saber, instead of silver.

Auto body trim for grips, a Lego block with two rubber bumpers for an activation box, and an Obi TPM style valve stem with a purple hemisphere.
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