Wrist blades


what material will use for a wrist blade for cheap?..
cause here in philippines.. we have no materials like yours
guys... so.. what do you think can i use for it??..
Surely they have Plexiglas or some other acrylic plastic in the Philippines, right? You can cut the wristblades out of that, and then use a Dremel tool or something similar to grind the edges into them. That's how I made my wristblades.

(And if you answered, "Yes, we have Plexiglas. And stop calling me Shirley," then you must be a fan of the movie Airplane!)
(And if you answered, "Yes, we have Plexiglas. And stop calling me Shirley," then you must be a fan of the movie Airplane!)

Awesome! :p

And yes, I was going to say the same thing. And If you don't have plexiglass available, be creative. There are plenty of options, thin plywood, foambord, or cardboard with fiberglass resin over it, or even paper mache' coated over it.

You could even cut out and glue together a bunch of those plastic "For Sale" or "Garage Sale" signs. Just keep your eyes open and use your imagination. There are lots of possibilities. I'm not familiar with the things available in the Philippines, but I'm sure you can come up with something.

Good luck!
where can i buy a plastic for sale?
Find a hardware store or a home improvement store in your city. They should have some kind of acrylic plastic, usually with supplies for replacing windows.

Alternatively, I can ship you a piece of acrylic plastic from my basement, right after I finish banging my head on it, but shipping will cost extra.
And yes, I was going to say the same thing. And If you don't have plexiglass available, be creative. There are plenty of options, thin plywood, foambord, or cardboard with fiberglass resin over it, or even paper mache' coated over it.

So, I'm trying to pull this cardboard and fiberglass resin thing off, right?

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to expect here. I've coated both sides.... then I've gone in between the two sheets (where the squiggly pattern is).

I've still got a flimsy piece of cardboard. What did I miss?
I am using red Oak you can order if for pretty cheap and have it sent to you and it does not take much to draw out a shape and cut it out you can do it on the cheap with hand tools (I know I know Whats a hand tool) you just have to watch the
weight that way its not to heavy to wear Hope this helps
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