Wow Joe Johnston is a moron - Captain America

It's over before it started. JJ makes crappy films.

Before any of the zealots get going, just because you like the costume doesn't mean the film is any good.

Sorry, but yes he is a flag waver.
"Some pundits will pounce on all of this as another desecration of an American touchstone, but how many of them have ever read the books? "

Wow what an elitist jerk. So if you have a different view, you've never read books?
I agree.
The worst part is that they try to compare this to Nolan not including Robin in his batman movie, and Wonder Woman changing her costume.

Batman's early years never included Robin, and when Robin was included the comic books took a turn towards the campy side....Which is not what Nolan was going for.

Wonder Woman's costume change is just cosmetic...Not a change in the character itself.

Im pretty sure I know the reasoning for this change......Im not going to say what it is, but i'll give you the initials - "P" "C".

Regardless of what is or isn't frowned upon these days, this is still no reason to alter a classic literary character.
If this is the case, we might as well rewrite all classic characters just because some people have a problem with them.

After reading that article Ive also lost the majority of interest in this film.
Such righteous indignation over such an ambiguous term.

Can't (just for once) you wait until you actually know something about a movie before you slam it.

Are you really that blinded by media hype?
" It's about what makes America great and what make the rest of the world great too."

If that line ALONE isn't laced with PC drivel then nothing is... :sick

You have the director telling you what that he's fundamentally changed a character. I can't see how waiting for the movie would help. There's nothing ambiguous about his comments. He's telling you that his Captain America is not a Patriot ("flag waver") he just does "what he thinks is right". That's implying that being patriotic is wrong. Oh and it's set in WW2 and nobody was patriotic or waving flags then... :rolleyes
I say wait until you see the film before you judge...Yes, Jurassic Park 3 wasnt the greatest, but Marvel trusted JJ with one of the most anticipated films of 2011...

I am going to wait and see how everything pans out....Hell, I didnt want chris evans as capatin america, but I still have high hopes
You are interpreting his words to fit your indignation.

You have ZERO idea how that will actually play out in the script.
Read the comics folks. Cap isn't just a zombie flag waver. He is most definitely a much more complex character than that. His conflict with the governmental powers that be is one of the characters main focuses!

The director is definitely trying to spread some PC rhetoric though.

They are just trying to soften a name that carries alot of baggage. When you are investing MILLIONS of dollars in a film and 3/4 of the world is pissed off at the concept of America.

At the end of the day they are mainly trying to sell movie tickets and DVDs.

There is gonna be a LOT of discussion about "America" means, what "patriotism" means and what being a "good soldier" means in the media as this movie ramps up I believe.

It'll be interesting to say the least.

This is like when they announced that GI Joe would be a NATO team instead of a US military force. Everyone'll jump on his case, the veterans groups and Captain America fans will threaten to boycott. Cap is supposed to be a flag waver, he's supposed to embody all the values this country's lost since WW2 thanks to clowns like this director. Just goes to show that the loonies in Hollywood don't want Americans to see what used to make us great.
Marvel needs to step in and put their foot down but I honestly don't think they care anymore either, they're all about money and not quality. I don't think they've learned from the Hulk movies. Captain American and Superman are two characters you try not to mess with too much, you can make them more human and show they have darker sides but in the end they're still the idealized way America used to look at themselves and examples of what we should aim for and these shouldn't be messed with by some hack.

I just find this "I hate a movie before I even see it" mentality as stupid as stupid gets.

Then you insult a man and call him a moron for something you have NO IDEA how it will actually play out.
This is all just directorial rhetoric. The actual movie is going to consist of a giant muscle man punching Nazis for an hour and a half. What else do you want?

I have to admit, when I saw his red, silver, and blue shield my first thought was "What the heck is wrong with white? It's supposed to be a representation of our red, white, and blue FLAG, as is his costume." I think the brushed steel looks nice, but it's missing the whole idea of what the character is about IMHO.

He is literally a flag waver. His shield.

Cap was part of the propaganda machine. I figured that would make a very cool and interesting part of his on screen story.
Might have to pass on this film. Tired of the pc bullcrap. Bad enough when they screwed around with "Truth, Justice, all that stuff"