Wolverine Classic Cowl


Active Member
Hello friends, i recently started my own Wolverine head cowl scultp. Ive always liked Wolverine in his mask althou i like to see a good Logan image. Some people asked me to open a run, but only if there's people willing to make it and like the desing. Ill make mine in a few weeks

As you can see i had a good headstart.
. 12204988_1649010415374619_1035716070_n.jpg
I wanted to give it that meany mean look, cut mask ect. This will be only a head cowl. Maybe ill make a neck piece in the future.

Pic from the back and the front before smoothing it out i worked the simetry as cool and accurate as i could.
And the sides....
I did the silicone mold with Mold Max 30 adding 5 layers, and finally y add the hardshell out of fiberglass. I know theres a tons of ways of making molds but this is the one i learned. Recently a friend sent me videos about making matrix molds and im planning to learn to make them as well.


Let me know your thougts. Thanks for watching!
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added a few pics of the first pull...

Still needs to be trimmed properly around the mouth an eyes.
Thank you, the only obstacle i had was that i made a compete black pull. So i used plastidip to see how it looks in its original colors. This is how it looks.12278752_1653930908215903_460643988359736804_n (1).jpg12285941_1653939828215011_1142746210_n.jpg12305685_1653939841548343_555918187_n.jpg