Who took photos on the Star Trek TNG sets? / LCARS graphics


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a clear photo of any of these 1701D graphics where the small call outs around the Enterprise can be read?

Variations of this graphic were used at the back of the bridge, Riker's station, Troi's station, the conference room and on the Engineering pool table.

Please contact me via PM.



That sort of Okudagram was usually meant to indicate the status of parts of the ship, so probably they would have used unintelligible strings of numbers or technobabble terms.


However what CJP posted does resemble the standardized diagram of the ship, which would have been published in the Star Trek TNG Technical Manual and also the Deck Plans set by Sternbach and Okuda.

Possibly those diagrams were also reprinted in the Writers' Guide, I'll have to dig mine up and see (those are available from Rodd.com).

Meanwhile I found these scans in my files; I believe they are fan art but likely similar to the "official" diagrams.


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The two diagrams you posted are from the TNG tech manual, pages eight and ten.

I just checked the season one and two Writer's Guide and I don't see those graphics represented in there. If they appear in other revisions, please let me know.

Also, although random number sequences were used for a lot of the fine details, I'm nearly positive that those call outs are accurate to the fiction of the ship.

I have the season five "Writer's Technical Manual", which has similar drawings but somewhat different callouts. They don't really resemble the screencaps you posted however.

Possibly the Okuda "Star Trek Encylcopedia" might have something as well.

- k
I just found something interesting. They call it a "Spacecraft" (which usually signifies a ship that travels from the earth to the moon non interstellar craft aka the space shuttle is a space craft) instead of "Starship".

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I'm going to build a full size TNG bridge soon. I found all the bridge LCARS on a website labeled LCARS Interface. Just google it, and the title is something like LCARS-Interface. Good luck. If you want pictures of the bridge, go to the Star Trek Prop Authority Website and there is a page about LCARS on the bridge of TNG.