Who makes this Tricorder??

franz bolo

Sr Member
Any clue? Is this a MR, AA, ??

BTW the Wackychimp hosting doesn't work anymore. I used Pilot's FREE hosting. Danke!


Isn't that a prototype of the DST/AA toy? In which case, it's probably a builtup of the HMS/Rodd.com kit?

P.S. It's 10" high. I think they might have used the wrong pic for what they are selling.

Here are the Tricorder phrases:
Spock- "Captain, impulses that direction very weak"
Spock- "Getting another reading Captain"
Spock- "An alien metal of some kind an alloy resistant to probe"
Spock- "There seems to be some disturbance coming from that cave"
Spock- "Strange readings indicate a life form, possibly human"
Spock- "Impossible to calculate, we lack data to analyze"

Yep that sounds about right. I find the best deals on the Trek toys at newforcecomics.com. Before beaming down to strange new worlds, warp over to Newforcecomics.com for all your toy equipment needs. :cool (newforcecomics.com has not paid for this promotional endorsement :lol)