Who made this He Man sword?


Sr Member

borrowed from the Tron thread, Im intersted in who made this He Man / Heman sword?

supposidly its an RPFer
You might try PM'ing DAVIDYR1 and RIMMAYR1 of this forum as both the Ironman suitcase suit motorcycle outfit and the Tron motorcycle outfit that is being worn by the woman in the photo are products of theirs (Universal Designs Ltd.). Also going by the posters on the wall, I'm guessing that the photo was taken at a UDL booth at a con or "show" of some sort. Maybe they know something about that sword. Wouldn't hurt to ask them. I hope that helps.
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The ancient mystics of greyskull forged the sword of power over 6000 years ago.

Everyone knows that. Duh!?!

That is a great replica of the cartoon sword, I have a real replica of the cartoon sword. It's a little slimmer and lighter than i would prefere but still a great sword. If only we could find who made that sword and have it replicated in metal.
I've been looking for a sword like that fgor what seems like forever to my memory back in either the late 80's early 90's Mattel made a grey hollow plastic He-Man sword and I used to have one of them when I was a kid, have'nt been able to find one since and I would pay almost any cost just to have one again.

borrowed from the Tron thread, Im intersted in who made this He Man / Heman sword?

supposidly its an RPFer
I found a picture of the same sword at he-man.org
Someone that goes by the name of Battlecat got the sword completely cast form aluminium.
This place USED to make them. They were over $600.00 IIRC. I think the cheaper version was $300?
Adam's Sword

Maybe if you follow up with them they have some left? I'm sure you could always commission something. I know a few places who do that.

For the record, the ones above are of a much better design, but the ones tiger force made were the best design I'd seen up to that.

There's also a pretty poor design on Ebay right now, but I guess posting the link is a no no.

I've been looking for a sword like that fgor what seems like forever to my memory back in either the late 80's early 90's Mattel made a grey hollow plastic He-Man sword and I used to have one of them when I was a kid, have'nt been able to find one since and I would pay almost any cost just to have one again.

Yeah, these are on Ebay too. I just saw a loose set on there for around $70, but I've seen them go MISB for around there or less. There was a gray sword, a plastic shield, and a glow in the dark sword. I believe there was also a skeletor ramskull staff I think, but it wasn't in the auction. I remember as a kid I cut all the little character heads off the box and glued them to my toy box. The 80's had all the best cartoons.

BTW... what does the power sword have to do with tron exactly?
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You might want to check with irishamericanlad I think he was working on one
Sorry Macdonald but the sword in the above post is fairly different from your designs. Good job with yours though.
yep, is not macdonald, the one in pic, looks real rounded 4 points, yours looks flat, yours is carved, but there is no hole , in the picture you can see that the carved holes exist...

Is not a hard sword to do, I made sword for long time ( in the past) and it doesn't, look to hard to do, even in carbon steel (was what I use) forged.

the problem is, (maybe I'm wrong) comes from a comic, and there is no real reference, so interpretation is all.

I saw different's ones.

I don't like he man at all, so I need to ask, is there any reference about, materials, carved runes, or anything like that?
I can try to make one, create my design, but I like to be accurate as possible