You have to go to the opthamologist to get measured, anyhow. Believe me, you don't want to put anything on your cornea that's not made to fit it. You might as well rub your open eye over the top edge of a grocery bag.
How long do these usually last?
Yes, you still have to see an optometrist to wear contacts.
I've been wearing contacts for 30+ years now, and I've done some ridiculous stuff to my eyes, wearing the little plastic cups that let me see. Not as crazy as some, but stuff I'd rather not have gone through, in retrospect. In college it was nothing for me to flick 'em out late at night at a party or a girl's house and re-wet 'em with beer or gin or something and replace 'em. This, I do not recommend. Play nice with your eyeballs.
How long do these usually last?
Does anyone know where I can buy a Pair of the Riddick Contacts from Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick. The state on 9mm that they no longer sell them to the public, so that really doesnt help me haha.