Where can I find irisis?


Master Member
I need two for a Terminator skull modification. I thought about going to Wal-Mart's photo department and asking if they have any of those disposable cameras that they are going to throw away after removing the film. Anyone know if they would do that?

Any other sources? It's got to be pretty small to fit in a Terminator skull's eye.
I need two for a Terminator skull modification. I thought about going to Wal-Mart's photo department and asking if they have any of those disposable cameras that they are going to throw away after removing the film. Anyone know if they would do that?

Any other sources? It's got to be pretty small to fit in a Terminator skull's eye.

Whoops misread your title.
Most disposables won't have irises in them. I'd try looking for old polaroid cameras to take appart.
Old microscopes - The sort with a mirror on the bottom for bouncing light up through the slide... Larger ones also had a metal iris for managing the brightness.
I'm not sure what you need. Got a picture of what you are looking for? How about an old webcam (if I think I know what you are looking for).
Sounds interesting. What type of Endo are you using this for (sideshow?).


It's a Grey Zon endoskull model.

Rich: I actually got the idea from some pictures you sent me awhile back. Remember the skull minus the jaw with the dead skin on it? It had irisis with a magnifying lens on top, I want to give that a try.
Oh, I've got extensive files on Terminator and can't find the image. Would you e-mail or post it. I remember it but can't find it.
O.k. I have to bump this, the above link doesn't work anymore and I can't seem to find what I need through normal searches.

Can anyone help?