What type of resin has the lowest shrinkage ratio?

Anakin Starkiller

Master Member
Hey guys. I need to cast something in resin and produce little to no descrenable shinkage. Can anyone recomend a good low shinkage resin or no shinkage resin? Thanks

Dan Stokes
Not sure. I used the Smooth-cast 320 and it said .01

The 321 and 322 were .007

I would think the resin that takes longer to kick would have the least shrinkage.

You want to ask the resin vendors about this. Ask them to recommend a formulation and perhaps fill for your application. That's the direction my research took when I was looking into this sort of thing. LOTS of options out there. ;)
I use Sil-Plastic from SilPak almost exclusively and I think it's shrinkage is in the thousandths of an inch. It's very good stuff, and is about the "high end" of mid-priced. :)
