What movie is this?


Active Member
A guy on another message board is trying to figure out what this movie is. Any help would be much appreciated...

Saw it on a Spanish channel years ago when I was channel surfing. It was some sort of fantasy film, most likely from the early to mid 80's. It could be a foreign film as it was on the Spanish channel. I watched it for a few minutes because it was really really dark and meant for mature audiences. I remember there was a lot of really cool real locations used for the film, and I remember three bad guys all dressed up and very fearsome looking. The main bad guy was the most striking and he had (as usual) taken the damsel in distress. I also remember one of the villains was decked out like a crow, his armor and everything made him look very crowish, feathers and all. Pretty sure he had a helmet that resembles a bird. I wish I could remember because now I wanna see it and know if its worth a full viewing. Oh and fantasy like the Arthurian Legends type stuff, nothing like LOTR. Very knights and swords and dark ages type stuff.

Read more: thebetterboard - Anyone have a clue....
Well, the first thing that comes to my mind is Brotherhood of the Wolf, though that is 2001. I was just thinking of the costume design in that movie.
Another small description...

The thing is, the bird guy I'm describing was the leader of him and two other bad guys, no idea if he was the main villain, could be. He had taken the films good guy's girlfriend. I remember one scene where they are walking through a wasteland that had smoke everywhere, and it was almost like a forest after a forest fire and was a big plateau.

Read more: thebetterboard - Anyone have a clue....
I have this weird sense that I know what film the guy's talking about, although I only ever saw the VHS box for it at a Tower Records when I was in college....DAMMIT that's gonna bug me...
Definitely not any of the ones mentioned so far.

The only thing birdlike about any armor in Ladyhawke is Captain Navarre's helmet visor slightly resembles a beak and the fact that he carry's a hawk by day.

Something seems familiar to me about this too but I doubt is was very popular since I was really into sword's 'n' sorcery/fantasy films during the 80's.
A guy on another message board is trying to figure out what this movie is. Any help would be much appreciated...

Saw it on a Spanish channel years ago when I was channel surfing. It was some sort of fantasy film, most likely from the early to mid 80's. It could be a foreign film as it was on the Spanish channel. I watched it for a few minutes because it was really really dark and meant for mature audiences. I remember there was a lot of really cool real locations used for the film, and I remember three bad guys all dressed up and very fearsome looking. The main bad guy was the most striking and he had (as usual) taken the damsel in distress. I also remember one of the villains was decked out like a crow, his armor and everything made him look very crowish, feathers and all. Pretty sure he had a helmet that resembles a bird. I wish I could remember because now I wanna see it and know if its worth a full viewing. Oh and fantasy like the Arthurian Legends type stuff, nothing like LOTR. Very knights and swords and dark ages type stuff.

Read more: thebetterboard - Anyone have a clue....

Star Wars
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