What is the best way to scribe into resin?


Well-Known Member
I have a helmet I am fixing up. What is the best way to scribe, make lines, into the resin? Should I use an engraving bit on my dremel? I will post pics once I have a chance to bondo it up.


It really depends on how thin of a line you are looking to make and the amount of compound curves.

If the engraved lines are not super thin, I would using the primer build-up method. Take pinstriping from your local hobby store and run them where you want the lines engraved. Then take Duplicolor High-Build Primer and spray. Wait to dry and then using 1000 grit sandpaper, sand it. Repeat this process 4 more times. After the 5th time of sanding, pull up the pinstriping and you will have a nice "engraved" panel line

If you do want to go the true engraving method, I would not use your dremmel. That is a disaster waiting to happen. There are scribing tool you can use, but may take awhile to do without making mistakes.

Have fun!

what i do is get my needle file, the one thats kinda shaped like a curved blade, and use the tip to gently saw my line into the resin building up pressure as i go to make the line deeper ones its established
You can probably use the same method I use for scribing styrene. You need some Dymo tape (the tape used in the Dymo label embossers - big in the '70's, but still available) and a sewing needle chucked in a pinvise.

Lay out the tape in the pattern you want to scribe the lines. Then using the needle in the vise, follow along the tape. Start with light pressure at first, then increase it as you develop the line.

The reason I use the Dymo tape is that is fairly thick and sturdy, so it acts as an flexible guide ruler. And because of the adhesiveness, it doesn't slide around while you're trying to work.

You can also pick up specialty engraving tools (the one from missionmodels.com is great), but they can be a bit pricey.
