What battery to use in a arduino?


New Member
Hi guys, i'm trying to make a yoshimitsu from soul calibur 5 automatic faceplate so i bought an arduino and a pair of servos to do so, i had a engineer friend to do the electronics and so far so good, they both move at the same time with a button, when i use the power from a usb port in my computer they move fine but when i get to put the battery suddenly they dont move at all, here is what it looks like:


So i dont know much about electronics but i know that every circuit has different needs by the components it has, so i made my circuit with a:

- Arduino uno

- Two turnigy tg9e servo
- 9v gp greencell extra heavy duty battery


My friend told me that arduino should work with 5v so with 9v i would work as well because it can take up to 12v, any sugestions to whats happening or what battery should i use?

I asked my coworker who is a big Arduino fanatic and he said 9 volts *should* do it and you could go up to 12 volts before heat starts to become a problem, 6 volts in the minimum he recommended for the Arduino Uno.

He also said, he would have to see your wiring to have any clue as to why it isn't working.