Weird Ironman (movie) question


Master Member
The way Tony Stark has his arc reactor installed, doesn't it mean that there will be a HUGE hole in the center of his sternum causing the loss of a few ribs, or am I missing something? :confused
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You know? I never even realized that but now that you mention it, I kinda want to know the answer to this too.
The way Tony Stark has his acr reactor installed, doesn't it mean that there will be a HUGE hole in the center of his sternum causing the loss of a few ribs, or am I missing something? :confused

Nope. From my perspective, it's a BIG gaping hole that would probably mean that his sternum and at least an inch or so of the ribs around the hole have been exised. Also, there should be significant issues with blood vessels to and from the heart, as well as the pulmonary system.
Another couple of thing's that bug me.

Pepper pulled out the electromagnet and Tony started going into cardiac arrest.
Since he never replaceed it, what's keeping the shrapnel from going into his heart? What's the point of having any device in your chest if the reason it was installed in the first place isn't there?

If the palladium is encased within the arc and sealed inside the chest cavity device, how did this toxic metal get into his bloodstream?
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Good questions. Why didn't he get the shrapnel removed once he got back stateside? Then he could have made an external arch reactor. In the movie they made it seem more like an artificial heart than a magnet keeping frag from entering his vital organs.
In fact, the Arc Reactor is so big, Tony should have his bones and heart removed to make room for it. To me, it's more an artificial heart than anything else ( besides, when Pepper or Obadia removes it, Tony goes into cardiac arrest ). Otherwise, it's a huge script mistake.

@ Jarvis : +1.
How could they think nobody would notice??? She sticks her hand INSIDE his chest!
I always thought there was more mechanical stuff in there and the reactor was just a power source for it all.
I always thought there was more mechanical stuff in there and the reactor was just a power source for it all.

Well, here's the main problem I see... the chest cavity is really densely packed with STUFF. There are a ton of organs stuffed up under the rib cage with very little extraneous space, so in order for the arc to be installed as it appears in the film (particularly as Pepper sticks her entire hand and wrist into Tony's chest), there would have to be a lot of importat stuff removed from there to make room. Doubtful he could have survived the surgery in the conditions shown in Afghanistan.... but hey! It's just a movie! :)
Most average movie goers go to the movies to be entertained, not educated. And sometimes, most people on their first sitting wouldn't have questioned, let alone thought, about that housing. It's no surprise that a member of the RPF begins to question it, primarily because a lot of us here are sticklers for details.
This one scene bothered the hell out of me too. I've always thought that the one thing that they should have changed is have had tonys heart replaced with an artifical one powered by the arc reactor.

But it's the same issue that all live action cybernetics sci-fi-mumbo-jumbo falls prey too. Essentially any piece of tech sticking out of your body is essentially an open wound.

Sure you have cybernetic arm, but how is it attached, it is attached to the bone, to an elaborate endoskeleton for support. Sure your super strong arm is super strong(Mr Will Smith from Irobot, and/or Denzel Washington from Virtulosity), but without a sufficent support endoskeeleton your super strong arm would just tear off.
Sure you have cybernetic arm, but how is it attached, it is attached to the bone, to an elaborate endoskeleton for support. Sure your super strong arm is super strong(Mr Will Smith from Irobot, and/or Denzel Washington from Virtulosity), but without a sufficent support endoskeeleton your super strong arm would just tear off.

Remember "The Six Million Dollar Man"? :lol
I'm no anatomist (if that's a word), but, with the space required for the arc reactor, not only would you be out a large part (90%) of your sternum, but you'd also lose your heart, and parts of (if not all) of your stomach, lungs, esophagus, and trachea.

In reality, for the reactor to do it's proper function, you think it'd need to be outside the chest, not IN the chest. War Machine wears the suit just fine without a huge piece of machinery in his chest :)

You'd think, if the point of the reactor is to keep shrapnel out of his heart, that when returning to the states - if present doctors and tech can't save his heart, with his billions he could get a transplant or something.
I'm no anatomist (if that's a word), but, with the space required for the arc reactor, not only would you be out a large part (90%) of your sternum, but you'd also lose your heart, and parts of (if not all) of your stomach, lungs, esophagus, and trachea.

In reality, for the reactor to do it's proper function, you think it'd need to be outside the chest, not IN the chest. War Machine wears the suit just fine without a huge piece of machinery in his chest :)

You'd think, if the point of the reactor is to keep shrapnel out of his heart, that when returning to the states - if present doctors and tech can't save his heart, with his billions he could get a transplant or something.

Exactly. No one would EVER go to this elaborate length to basically implant a fancy self-powered electromagnet in your chest. First of all, you would never survive the oiperation, even in the best of crcumstances. A Cardiothoracic surgeon would REMOVE THE SHRAPNEL and repair the heart directly - if too much damage was done, they would transplant a donor heart.

Some biology here (yes, I've been in numerous heart operations):

If the shrapnel was in you cardiac muscle, BUT YOU WERE STILL ALIVE, then there is no tamponade. The heart sits in a "sac" of fluid called the pericardium. When injured, you can bleed into this sac and strangle the heart, as there is no way for the sac to decompress. This is a "tamponade" situation.

Tony was still alive after the fancy magnet was stuck in his chest - therefore, any tamponade present from the shrapnel was minor, OR the extra "sac of blood" was drained when the magnet was installed.

Shrapnel in the heart, if deep enough, would tear all the way INTO the atria or ventricles, and your heart would most likely bleed out. You would die, quickly.

Shrapnel in the OUTER muscle layer of the heart may NOT immmediately damage the heart, at least not severely enough to cause near instant death. HOWEVER, all of the shrapnel would have had to "dodge" the coronary arteries, which sit on the outer surface of the heart - otherwise, instant heart attack. A piece or 2 might not hit anything serious - but MULTIPLE pieces of metal fragments from a concussive explosion, into your heart?! Not a chance you would live.

When penetrating the chest, unless it was DIRECTLY OVER THE STERNUM, shrapnel would have to hit the lung(s) on its way to the heart. Tony would have had at LEAST one collapsed lung, which he could have survived, but he would have never made it with two collapsed lungs. No breathing = you're dead.

So yeah, it's pure fantasy. Couldn't happen in even the BEST of circumstances. Tony's chest must be the Tardis or something, to have that much room in there!

...unless you're John Connor, then you CAN have a heart transplant performed, outside, in the middle of the desert, with no anti-rejection medication, from an incompatible cyborg donor, and you will live.